Calendar of Events
From TCU Wiki

Featured Recurring Events
Glitter Meetups: Every Thursday at 9am EDT we host a weekly town hall for digital rights advocates from around the world, which take place on the IF Mattermost Square Channel. Email us at team[at] if you need a invite
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April 2024
Date | Time | Title | Description | Presenter |
April 18 | 9am EDT / 1pm UTC | The Social Networking Glitter Meetup | At the Social Networking Glitter Meetup you’re welcome to join and talk about whatever you want: sharing a song, general questions about the experience of working in the digital rights field, your insights on the latest big tech nonsense, and even your vacations. We will be happy to hear from you! | TCU Staff |
April 11 | 9am EDT / 1pm UTC | Glitter Meetup: Election Watch for the Digital Age Project | Glitter Meetup is the weekly town hall of the Internet Freedom community happening on the IF Square on TCU Mattermost. | Elizabeth Sutterlin and Maddie Masinsin |
April 4 | 9am EDT / 1pm UTC | What Is Happening in Digital Rights Around the World? | Come to share emerging and existing digital rights conversations happening around the world and in your region at this Glitter Meetup! There is something new, specific or special that you would like to bring to the technology and human rights table? Join us and let's talk about it! | TCU Staff |
March 2024
Date | Time | Title | Description | Presenter |
March 28 | 9am EDT / 1pm UTC | The Social Networking Glitter Meetup | At The Glitterest Glitter Meetup you’re welcome to join and talk about whatever you want: sharing a song, general questions about the experience of working in the digital rights field, your insights on the latest big tech nonsense, and even your vacations. We will be happy to hear from you! | TCU Staff |
March 21 | 11am EDT / 3pm UTC | Africa Meetup | The Africa bimonthly meetups bring together folks from the African region to share, connect, seek help, and release stress by celebrating each other. | Mardiya & Tawanda |
March 21 | 9am EDT / 1pm UTC | Glitter Meetup: Localizing Security in a Box | Glitter Meetup is the weekly town hall of the Internet Freedom community happening on the IF Square on TCU Mattermost. Read Notes Here | Icaldua and Flo |
March 20 | 5:30pm EDT / 9:30pm UTC | LATAM Meetup | Los meetups Latinoamericanos ocurren cada dos meses y son un espacio para charlar, compartir proyectos, soltar un poco de estrés, contar buenas noticias y ayudarnos entre todes a solucionar lo que podamos en las no tan buenas. Lea las Notas Aqui | Ursula & David |
March 20 | 10am EDT / 2pm UTC | MENA Meetup | The MENA bimonthly meetups bring together folks from the MENA region to share, connect, seek help, and release stress by celebrating each other. Read Notes Here | Yosr |
March 14 | 9am EDT/ 1pm UTC | Digital Rights in Francophone Africa and MENA Meetup | On s'y retrouve pour échanger, s'entraider et décompresser ensemble. C'est aussi l'occasion de partager nos travaux et de rester informés sur ce qui se passe dans les régions francophones. Si vous ne pouvez pas participer aux réunions bimensuelles, ne vous inquiétez pas, nous prenons des notes à chaque rencontre, que vous pouvez consulter ci-dessous. | TBA |
March 14 | 9am EDT/ 1pm UTC | Glitter Meetup: Open data and civic tech to circumvent government censorship and disinformation in Latin America | Glitter Meetup is the weekly town hall of the Internet Freedom community happening on the IF Square on TCU Mattermost. Read Notes Here | Martín Szyszlican |
March 12 | 8am EDT / 12pm UTC | Asia Meetup | The Asia bimonthly meetups bring together folks from the Asia region to share, connect, seek help, and release stress by celebrating each other. In addition, it's a time for us to find ways to support each other, and help us understand what is happening in our part of the world. | Sapni |
March 7 | 9am EST / 2pm UTC | Glitter Meetup: What is Happening in Digital Rights Around the World? | Come to share emerging and existing digital rights conversations happening around the world and in your region at this Glitter Meetup! There is something new, specific or special that you would like to bring to the technology and human rights table? Join us and let's talk about it! | TCU Staff |
February 2024
Date | Time | Title | Description | Presenter |
February 29 | 9am EST / 2pm UTC | The Social Networking Glitter Meetup | At The Glitterest Glitter Meetup you’re welcome to join and talk about whatever you want: sharing a song, general questions about the experience of working in the digital rights field, your insights on the latest big tech nonsense, and even your vacations. We will be happy to hear from you! | TCU Staff |
February 22 | 9am EST / 2pm UTC | Glitter Meetup: Online Monitoring in Ghana | Glitter Meetup is the weekly town hall of the Internet Freedom community happening on the IF Square on TCU Mattermost. | Kwaku Antwi |
February 15 | 9am EST / 2pm UTC | Glitter Meetup: Digital Security Challenges of Journalists in Myanmar | Glitter Meetup is the weekly town hall of the Internet Freedom community happening on the IF Square on TCU Mattermost. Read Notes Here | Featured Guest |
February 8 | 9am EST / 2pm UTC | The Social Networking Glitter Meetup | At The Glitterest Glitter Meetup you’re welcome to join and talk about whatever you want: sharing a song, general questions about the experience of working in the digital rights field, your insights on the latest big tech nonsense, and even your vacations. We will be happy to hear from you! Read Notes Here | TCU Staff |
February 1 | 9am EST / 2pm UTC | Glitter Meetup: What is Happening in Digital Rights Around the World? | Come to share emerging and existing digital rights conversations happening around the world and in your region at this Glitter Meetup! There is something new, specific or special that you would like to bring to the technology and human rights table? Join us and let's talk about it! Read Notes Here | TCU Staff |
January 2024
Date | Time | Title | Description | Presenter |
January 25 | 12pm EST / 5pm UTC | The MENA bimonthly meetups bring together folks from the MENA region to share, connect, seek help, and release stress by celebrating each other. Read Notes Here | Thalia | |
January 25 | 10am EST / 3pm UTC | The Africa bimonthly meetups bring together folks from the African region to share, connect, seek help, and release stress by celebrating each other. Read Notes Here | Mardiya & Tawanda | |
January 25 | 9am EST / 2pm UTC | Glitter Meetup: Digital Safety in Libya: A Helpdesk Overview | Glitter Meetup is the weekly town hall of the Internet Freedom community happening on the IF Square on TCU Mattermost. Read Notes Here | Feras Bezanti |
January 24 | 5:30pm EST / 10:30pm UTC | Los meetups Latinoamericanos ocurren cada dos meses y son un espacio para charlar, compartir proyectos, soltar un poco de estrés, contar buenas noticias y ayudarnos entre todes a solucionar lo que podamos en las no tan buenas. Lea las notas aqui | Ursula & David | |
January 18 | 9am EST / 2pm UTC | Glitter Meetup: Platform Cooperativism in India | Glitter Meetup is the weekly town hall of the Internet Freedom community happening on the IF Square on TCU Mattermost. Read Notes Here | Sapni GK |
January 18 | 8am EST / 1pm UTC | Digital Rights in Francophone Africa and MENA Meetup | On s'y retrouve pour échanger, s'entraider et décompresser ensemble. C'est aussi l'occasion de partager nos travaux et de rester informés sur ce qui se passe dans les régions francophones. Si vous ne pouvez pas participer aux réunions bimensuelles, ne vous inquiétez pas, nous prenons des notes à chaque rencontre, que vous pouvez consulter ci-dessous. Read Notes Here | Gabriel |
January 16 | 7am EST / 12pm UTC | Asia Meetup | The Asia bimonthly meetups bring together folks from the Asia region to share, connect, seek help, and release stress by celebrating each other. In addition, it's a time for us to find ways to support each other, and help us understand what is happening in our part of the world. Read Notes Here | Sapni |
January 11 | 9am EST / 2pm UTC | The Glitterest Glitter Meetup: Welcome Back! | At The Glitterest Glitter Meetup you’re welcome to join and talk about whatever you want: sharing a song, general questions about the experience of working in the digital rights field, your insights on the latest big tech nonsense, and even your vacations. We will be happy to hear from you! | TCU Staff |