Latin America Digital Rights Perspectives

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Latin America Digital Rights Perspectives with Úrsula Schüler

In this session we will talk about digital rights in Latin America, its perspectives and cases during 2022-2023. The main topics will be:

  • An overview about Latin America digital rights: socio-political context, digital rights main demands and civil organizations.
  • Emerging threats in the region and encouraging new trends - Loan Apps, WhatsApp Pay, and platforms workers organization.
  • Some important Latin American cases and campaigns to check – Guacamaya leaks, #TireMeuRostoDaSuaMira, and #MigrarSinVigilancia


Úrsula Schüler is our Latin America Community Lead at Team CommUNITY. She studied journalism in her home country, Chile, and a Digital media marketing postgraduate program in Canada. She has more than seven years of experience working in media, companies, institutions and social organizations.

Notes & Resources

Presentation & Resources

Latin America Digital Rights Perspectives Presentation

Q&A Section

What do you think will be the LATAM trend in the next ten years?

There are some trends that will continue. Digital workers/platforms workers need to be careful. The surveillance will remind in the region with all the technology, as Pegasus tools. There are some contradictory trends since everything is going to be digitalized and it can be dangerous regarding the relationship of your body with tech. All these organizations in LATAM will grow and it's positive.

Any recommended sources where we can read more about Meta’s Whatsapp pilot in Brazil? (Besides Meta’s own press release)

Coding Rights. They did a deep analysis about this. In fact, one of their authors came to one Glitter Meetup to talk about this.

WhatsApp Pay case:

Got the link to that Telefonica report in Venezuela?

Venezuela's case:


Very interested about the video surveillance case in Brazil. What exactly did they claim to get them removed? Is this something that can be replicated in other judiciary systems in LATAM?

What they claimed in the beginning was related to consent on the subway and CCTV. If you replicate this in other countries, it will depend on the laws and juridical frame.

Tire Meu Rosto Da Sua Mira:, Brazil:

Do you know what tools and platforms are the delivery drivers and other precarious and remote workers using to connect, organize and unionize?

I asked them this question and they use digital platforms to organize like Whatsapp or Signal, even Twitter accounts where they post graphics and demands.