Global Gathering 2024

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Revision as of 17:03, 24 January 2024 by Victoria (talk | contribs)

Overview: Welcome to the 2024 Global Gathering!

When: September 27, 28, 29

Where: Estoril, Portugal


The 2024 Global Gathering brings together digital rights defenders from around the world working on the most pressing issues sitting at the intersection of technology, human rights and social justice. Movements, open-source projects, and countless NGOs gather for a week of solidarity, collaboration and soul glitter.

The 2024 edition is the second in-person event Team CommUNITY is hosting post-pandemic. It is the second stage of a three-year vision to grow the event in a safe, secure and sustainable way to pre-pandemic impact and size. As a result, this year's event design will differ from last year as we continue to iterate to help us confront current challenges of bringing people together, but also help us collectively build a vision for future instances.

Partners and Sponsors

We want to thank the following partners and sponsors for their support in our three year vision to launch the global gathering:


Global Gathering 2024 Structure


We are building this section, for a sneak peek, you can check the Global Gathering 2023 Structure.

Registering for the Global Gathering 2024

Satellite events1.png


Visa and Equity Fund Support

Visa appointments!

Planning Your Trip


Visit the Planning Your Trip and Navigating Estoril pages for more information about:

Applying for a Visa

Booking Accommodation

Local Transportation

Local Restaurants, Activities and Entertainment

And More!

Health, Safety & Security Policies


COVID Policy

Code of Conduct

Security Policy

Global Gathering FAQ and Resources