Global Gathering

From TCU Wiki

Welcome to the 2023 Global Gathering!

Dates: September 15, 16, 17
Location: Portugal


The 2023 Global Gathering brings together digital rights defenders from around the world working on the most pressing issues sitting at the intersection of technology, human rights and social justice. Movements, open-source projects, and countless NGOs gather for a week of solidarity, collaboration and soul glitter.

The 2023 edition is the first in-person event Team CommUNITY is hosting post-pandemic. It is part of a three year vision to grow the event in a safe, secure and sustainable way to pre-pandemic impact and size. As a result of this, this year the event has a unique event design to help us confront current challenges of bringing people together, but also help us collectively build a vision for future instances.

The event is divided into three parts: the Summit, the Feira, and Satellite Events.

The Summit


The Summit @ the Global Gathering is an invite-only facilitated event that will take place in the morning. It brings together managers and community leaders from the digital rights space to map out both external and internal emerging threats. This year, we will also look at challenges that have been exacerbated by the pandemic such as organizational health.

Summit participants, by default, have access to the Feira, which takes place in the afternoon.

The Feira

Feira Space with Lights.png

The Feira @ the Global Gathering will be held in the afternoon/evening. Our tree-filled, outdoor venue is a perfect location for activities that are focused on amplifying organic networking between community members, so needed post-pandemic. The agenda is designed to provide digital rights defenders (DRDs) with a rejuvenating space to reconnect, relax and host self-organized meetups and discussions. There will also be food, music, local vendors, booths showcasing digital rights organizations and projects, and fun evening activities (did someone say karaoke?!).

Learn more about the different ways that you can engage with the Feira at this year's Global Gathering here.

Satellite Events

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Our new home offers various outdoor and indoor spaces for partners and colleagues to host a variety of events, from team retreats to network gatherings. Note, this year because this is our first event post-pandemic, we are not able to provide to the same level of support to satellite events as previous years. However, we hope to remedy this in the 2024 edition of the Global Gathering. If you are hosting a satellite event, please drop us a line so we are aware, so we can better field questions from your attendees.

Planning Your Trip


Visit the Planning Your Trip page for more information about:

Applying for a Visa

Booking Accommodation

Local Transportation

Local Restaurants, Activities and Entertainment

And More!

Health, Safety & Security Policies and Guidelines


COVID Policy

Code of Conduct

Security Policy



Coming soon! But for the time being...

Apply for the Feira @ the Global Gathering! - Mar 9, 2023
!Announcing The Global Gathering! - Feb 16, 2023
Team CommUNITY's Next Global Gathering: Ask Me Anything Event... Glitter Meetup Notes - Nov 9, 2022
The Next TCU In-Person Global Event is Coming! - Oct 19, 2022