MENA Monthly Meetups

From TCU Wiki
MENA 2020.png

The monthly meetups bring together folks from the MENA region to share, connect, seek help, and release stress by celebrating each other. In addition, it's a time for us to find ways to support each other, and help us understand what is happening in our part of the world. If you cannot attend the monthly meetups, we are taking notes of each gathering and linking to them below.

Meet me at El Sala
Besides educational workshops and video based meetups, the MENA group is now offering 1-hour, text based chat that features different people from the international digital rights scenes and not only from MENA. The aim is to overlape with different international groups, and to bring more voices from our region to the international digital rights scene. This format will help people get introduced to new projects, build attention to specific cases, to recruit volunteers, testers, researchers, and other things! This takes place in the MENA room on the IFF Mattermost.

The MENA community is connected during the week in different ways. Either through various MENA-focused channels on the IFF Mattermost or via different events organized on various topics during the year.

Next Events

Monthly Meetup / Wednesday 27th

Time: 4pm UTC+1 / 11am EDT

Who: Facilitated by Rima and Wafaa

Where: The Big Blue Button link will be shared in the Regional:MENA Channel on the IFF Mattermost one or two hours before the start of the meeting. Don't have an account to the IFF Mattermost? you can request one following the directions here.

Notes from Past Meetings

February 23 2022, MENA Meetup

January 26 2022, MENA Meetup


September 16 2021, MENA Meetup

August 12 2021, MENA Meetup

July 15 2021, MENA Meetup

June 17 2021, MENA Meetup

May 20 2021, MENA Meetup

April 15 2021, MENA Meetup

March 4 2021, MENA Meetup

February 4 2021, MENA Meetup


December 10 2020, MENA Meetup

December 1 2020, Meet Me at El Sala

November 20 2020, MENA Meetup

November 13 2020, MENA Meetup

October 29 2020, MENA Meetup

October 15 2020, MENA Meetup

September 24 2020, MENA Meetup

September 15 2020 MENA Notes