Community Health Village 2021

From TCU Wiki

This inaugural village offers sessions that share knowledge and perspectives from mental healthcare practitioners and other experts, with a focus on helping us better understand how to achieve healthy and sustainable work environments in our communities and spaces. The Village was designed based on the findings of our 2020 Community Health Report, looking at the health and wellbeing of digital rights defenders around the world.

Sessions are scheduled for the entire month of November 2021. They offer different modalities of healing and are presented in different formats, times, and dates - some sessions are educational while others are hands-on workshops. We encourage you to attend as many as you can, to better understand the scope of healing pathways available.

How to RSVP You must RSVP for each session individually, noting that some sessions have a limit of participants. More sessions may be added to this program. Note, sessions will take place on either Zoom or BigBlueButton.

Information & Notes from the Sessions

Understanding & Designing your Mental Health Plan

Presenter: Mathero Nkhalamba

In this session, she will help demystify diverse types of healing practices, with an eye towards cultural and religious considerations, and help you understand how to design your own mental health plan. How to RSVP

Regenerative Activism

Presenter: Ilaj

This workshop will bring participants together to explore collective and personal tools which can make our activism more effective and sustainable, while ensuring that our organizations and movements reflect the values we are fighting for. How to RSVP

Imagining Alternative Worlds through Activism

Presenter: Nour Abou-Jaoude, Julia W Szagdaj, Anna Lathrop

Join transdisciplinary designers Nour Abou-Jaoude, Julia W. Szagdaj, and Anna Lathrop, as they take us on a journey to imagine and make concrete a future filled with joy and hope. How to RSVP

Mayan Healing Ceremony

Presenter: Nana Marina Cruz

During the ceremony we will offer and ask for balance, wisdom, peace, love. We will also ask for wisdom to continue walking in our mission, invoking the heart of the sky, heart of the earth, heart of the water, heart of the water, heart of the fire, heart of air, and all the energies of the Mayan calendar. How to RSVP

Dealing with Distress in the Digital Rights Community: What can you do as a community leader?

Presenter: Dalal Alhomaizi & Alaa Alhomaizi

This workshop is targeted towards community leaders and community managers who lead and care for members of the digital rights activist community, particularly those from vulnerable and marginalized communities. How to RSVP

Embodied Connection

Presenter: Leila Ghaddar

In this session, she will take you on a trance-like journey of breathwork, movement, play, and creativity, guiding you into cultivating safety within your body, and consequently with your external environment. How to RSVP

Dealing with Conflicts in Activist Groups and Teams

Presenter: Marianne Koch

In this workshop we want to take the very first steps on how to deal with conflicts in a constructive and respectful way. How to RSVP