DigiSec Trainers Meetup

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Revision as of 17:05, 16 November 2020 by Iffadmin (talk | contribs)

This recurring meetup will bring together trainers or educators of digital safety, digital security, organizational security. It'll be a chance for us to share, collaborate, and discuss new advancing threats, strategies for training, new educational materials, reminisce about the old days of in-person trainings... and many more!

Next Event

Date: (first time) October 20, 2020

Time: 9am New York / 2pm UTC / 4pm Cairo / 10pm Taipei

Who: Facilitated by Trinh Nguyen (holistic security trainer, Head of Operations of the IFF Team)

Where: A Jitsi Meet link will be shared in the following rooms on the IFF Mattermost one or two hours before the start of the meeting: IFF Square, OrgSec Village, and others.

  • Reach out to trinh@digitalrights.community to connect.

Notes from Past Meetings

DigiSec Trainers Meetup. October 20, 2020