Security resources organized by topic

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Revision as of 13:55, 30 June 2023 by Kristin1 (talk | contribs)

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How to mitigate your risk of being subject to Pegasus surveillance

How to deal with online harassment and threats

Secure your devices - These resources will help you understand when to use full disk encryption and antivirus.

Protect your accounts using strong passwords, pw managers, 2fa - These resources include videos that explain why strong passwords are so important, how to use password managers, and how to use two factor authentication to protect your accounts.

Safe internet browsing using VPN and Tor browser - These resources will help you keep your internet activities private by using a virtual private network (VPN) or the Tor internet browser. These are very helpful tools if you think an adversary has the capacity and interest to monitor and surveil your activities online.

Protect your information

Ways to securely store and share files

Tools for securely documenting human rights violations

Protect your communication

How the internet works

Assessment and planning tools


Digital First Aid Kit

Access Now Help Desk documentation