May 9 2024 GM

From TCU Wiki
Glitter Meetups

"Convite"- the Security and Self-care Communication Program for Indigenous, Black and Rural Communities in Colombia

Join us to talk about "Convite", an awareness project about self-care and collective care, focused especially on indigenous guards, cimarronas, and rural (campesinas) communities from southwestern Colombia, as well as those who defend the environment, territorial autonomy, and alternative communication. Convite provides information, tools, and resources for self-care, protection, and security in digital, physical, and psychosocial spaces, through workshops and the creation and circulation of sound postcards. Learn more about them here!

Nathaly Espitia Diaz is an experienced journalist and community communicator working with grassroots communities in the media, journalism, and communication field. Passionate about listening to others, learning through active participation, and leading with a focus on building trusted relationships and collective care. Also the creator of one of the first communication and resource projects focused on Digital Security for indigenous communities.

What is Glitter Meetup?

Glitter Meetup is the weekly town hall of the digital rights and Internet Freedom community at the IF Square on the TCU Mattermost, at 9am EDT / 1pm UTC. It is a text-based chat where digital rights defenders can share regional and project updates, expertise, ask questions, and connect with others from all over the world! Do you need an invite? Learn how to get one here.


The notes will be posted here.