VPN Community Initiative

From TCU Wiki
VPN Community Initiative.png

The VPN Community Initiative is a diverse group of experts working in and around the VPN ecosystem. The community consists of commercial and non-commercial VPN providers, technologists and developers of circumvention and VPN-adjacent technologies, academics and researchers, advocates, and frontline defenders. The goal of the VPN Community Initiative is to:

  • Improve trust among different players working within the VPN ecosystem;
  • Build solidarity focusing on improving industry standards and mobilizing around common threats; and
  • Ensure the needs of the most at-risk from the digital rights community are made known to VPN companies, so that they can improve their offerings for these users.

If you have questions about the VPN Community Initiative or how to become involved, contact erinm.

VPN Community Activities & Event Notes

VPN Villages

VPN Community Events

Monthly VPN Community Gatherings

Check out the notes from past monthly VPN meetups we hosted here.

Other Events:

July, 2022: Africa Meetup on Regional VPN Use

October 6, 2022: Glitter Meetup with Outline VPN

November 17, 2022: Glitter Meetup: Becoming your Community's VPN Provider with WEPN

VPN Community Unconferences