November 9 2023 GM

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Glitter Meetups

Glitter Meetup is the weekly town hall of the Internet Freedom community at the IF Square on the TCU Mattermost, at 9am EDT / 1pm UTC. It is a text-based chat where digital rights defenders can share regional and projects updates, expertise, ask questions, and connect with others from all over the world! Do you need an invite? Learn how to get one here.

Building Trans-national Cooperatives to Advance Public Interest Technologies

Fiqus is a horizontal and democratic cooperative company that develops technology locally and globally. Shortly after founding Fiqus, they founded a local network together with other cooperatives and for the last four years they have been building a global community together with companies that share our values. They will tell us about their journey, what they are doing now in their co-op, what they have learned and what they seek to achieve with the networks they are building

Featured Guests:

  • Nicolas Dimarco is one of the founding members of Fiqus, a software development cooperative located in Argentina. He started as a developer in a software consulting firm at the age of 18, and after working on several projects, at the age of 25 he realized that he needed something different out of life. That is how, after working as a freelancer for a year, he got together with some colleagues and friends from the university and founded the company. Passionate about cooperative entrepreneurship, production processes and human relations, Nicolas dedicated his daily work to contributing towards the development and promotion of Fiqus, to the management of projects and work teams and to the development and support of collaborative networks.
  • Martín Vallone: He has been in the IT industry since the age of 17, working in various companies on diverse projects. His journey led him to eventually become a part of Fiqus, a software development cooperative located in Argentina. Within Fiqus, he’s taken on different roles, including full-stack development, mobile, and backend, while assuming key responsibilities within the teams he’s been a part of. Currently, my focus is on data and AI projects, but my inherent curiosity drives me to learn whatever it takes when I'm captivated by a new challenge. He is passionate about acquiring new tools and knowledge to achieve their goals and takes pleasure in building solutions backed by cooperative values that have a positive impact on our surroundings. For him, life is made easier and more fulfilling through collaboration and collective building.


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