November 9 2022 AMA

From TCU Wiki
Revision as of 14:06, 27 October 2022 by Iffadmin (talk | contribs)

Date: Wednesday, November 9

Time: 8am EDT / 12pm UTC

Who: Team CommUNITY

Where: On IFF Mattermost Square Channel.

Team CommUNITY's Next Global Gathering: Ask me Anything Event ...

Next year in Fall 2023, Team CommUNITY (TCU) will be launching our first in-person event post pandemic. To help address new challenges and opportunities, TCU is implementing a new format which will be focused on a federated, decentralized model where both organizations and individuals can self-organize. It will also be hosted in a different city :)

We know that many of you have questions, including how to prepare, and what to expect. You probably have lots of feedback you want to share as well!

As such, join us on November 9 @ 12pm UTC and talk directly to TCU staff who will address all your questions, and will be ready to listen to all your feedback. This chat will be hosted on our Mattermost instance in the Square channel.

To prepare, make sure to read our blog post with detailed information about the event:

Memories of Past In-Person Events :)


Notes will be posted here