March 4 2021, MENA Meetup: Difference between revisions

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=== Shared links ===
=== Shared links ===

* [ AdPorts]
* [ AdPorts]

* [ The IO Foundation]
* [ The IO Foundation]

* [ Zanga Tech]
* [ Zanga Tech]

* [ Feminist Conscil]
* [ Feminist Conscil]
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* [ SMEX Article]
* [ SMEX Article]

* [ RightsCon 2021
* [ RightsCon 2021]

* [ ClubHouse Article by INC]
* [ ClubHouse Article by INC]

* [ The UAE's mission to Mars is a terrifying manifestation of the Technocene]
* [ The UAE's mission to Mars is a terrifying manifestation of the Technocene]

=== Call to Action ===
=== Call to Action ===

Latest revision as of 16:01, 12 April 2021

MENA Meetups

The monthly meetups bring together folks from the MENA region to share, connect, seek help, and release stress by celebrating each other. In addition, it's a time for us to find ways to support each other, and help us understand what is happening in our part of the world. If you cannot attend the monthly meetups, we are taking notes of each gathering and linking to them below.

The MENA community is connected during the week in different ways. Either through various MENA-focused channels on the IFF Mattermost or via different events organized on various topics during the year.

Date: Thursday, March 4th

Time: 6pm Central Africa Time (UTC+2) / 11am EST (UTC-5)

Who: Facilitated by Rima and Wafaa

Where: The Meetjitsi link will be shared in the Regional:MENA Channel on the IFF Mattermost one or two hours before the start of the meeting.


Country updates


  • Political situation that mohmmed ghazwani came to power peacefully in 2019 elections and since things have improved: less censorship least censored country in cyber space in Africa
  • 33% of population connected to the internet
  • in 2019 internet shutdown, trials to sue mauritel but they weren’t successful.
  • Slavery affecting digital rights … racism against black citizens including to digital literacy


  • In late december 2020 a lot of protests in Tunisia started met with brutal force in parallel a clamp down on most visible activists including a number of queer activists. Violence online and in the street.
  • Recently, a queer Rania Amdoni was arrested after going to police station to report online abuse and physical threats, sentenced to 6 months of prison. هضم جانب موظف عمومي


  • مسودة قانون جرائم معلوماتية مبنية على نماذج مثل الأردن، الإمارات أو مصر
  • غرامات من ٢٠-٥٠ ألف دولار وسجن مؤبد على منشورات "تخدش الحياء
  • تنظيم حوار مباشر بين منظّمات دولية والبرلمان العراقي

  • وزارة الصحة العراقية بعد وصول لقاح من الصين … أطلقت موقع يحوي الكثير من الثغرات بروتوكول لا يحتوى على https
  • ومحرّك بحث مكشوف يحوي على سكن ورقم هاتف وحتى معلومات صحيّة حسّاسة
  • تمّت الاستجابة لأوّل توصية وهي تفعيل HTTPS


  • منصّة impact وهي متعلّقة بتنظيم الدخول والخروج خلال الحظر
  • وكذلك منصّة covax
  • كان أوّل موقع حكومي ينشر سياسة خصوصية


  • العقوبات الاقتصادية تؤذي الناس لأنّها مرتبطة بالكهرباء والاتصالية بالانترنت
  • “انتخابات رئاسية " بعد ٤ أشهر .. ولا نعلم ما سيحدث للانترنت
  • هناك استسهال عند الحكومة السورية في انتاج تطبيقات أو منصّات لأي سبب
  • بما فيها بطاقة ذكيّة تحوي على كم هائل من المعلومات لدى طرف ثالث
  • حتى الحواجز التابعة للجيش لديهم تطبيق لإدخال
  • أو حتى استخدام العسكري لهاتف شخصي متصل بقواعد بيانات حساسة
  • إقبال لا بأس فيه على club house
  • والأريحية التي تشعر فيها الناس مشاركتها خطيرة

Shared links

  • [ Feminist Conscil]

Call to Action

  • Take this survey
  • A community health survey to plan ahead. If you take it you can send your feedback to WH