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|<small>The MENA Digital Rights Alliance is a civil society coalition advancing digital rights in the Middle East and North Africa region. We are a group of 12 local and global civil society organizations and activists who believe in the power of collective action and cross-border solidarity in the fight against rising digital authoritarianism. In this private meeting, we’ll delve into current and emerging regional trends, threats and opportunities, create shared priorities, and strategize on potential joint advocacy and campaigning. This session will set our strategic plan and focus areas for the upcoming year and discuss each other's work. We want to set shared priorities to create joint efforts and advocacy campaigns. The MADR meets already every month, online. This meeting will be a continuity of our yearly in-person meetings. These in-person convenings are to set an agenda for the year and they do participate in building momentum for the alliance's advocacy efforts.</small>
|<small>The MENA Digital Rights Alliance is a civil society coalition advancing digital rights in the Middle East and North Africa region. We are a group of 12 local and global civil society organizations and activists who believe in the power of collective action and cross-border solidarity in the fight against rising digital authoritarianism. In this private meeting, we’ll delve into current and emerging regional trends, threats and opportunities, create shared priorities, and strategize on potential joint advocacy and campaigning. This session will set our strategic plan and focus areas for the upcoming year and discuss each other's work. We want to set shared priorities to create joint efforts and advocacy campaigns. The MADR meets already every month, online. This meeting will be a continuity of our yearly in-person meetings. These in-person convenings are to set an agenda for the year and they do participate in building momentum for the alliance's advocacy efforts.</small>
|'''<small>VPN Community Iniatiive</small>'''
|'''<small>Reflecting on Surveillance Studies Research Methodologies: The good, the bad and the ugly</small>'''
|<small>The rising tide of authoritarianism has led to an increased uptake of suppressive surveillance by governments across the world. Many dedicated researchers and other internet freedom community members have worked to understand and counter repressive surveillance tactics through several different methodologies, including network measurement, supply chain, forensics, and ONSINT. This circle will be for learning the challenges the researchers face, and learning the gaps in surveillance-research funding.</small>
| <small>'''Reimagination of Freedom: Digital Rights and Kinship through "The Ground Screams to Whisper Ancestral Mapping"'''</small>
|<small>This Circle will explore how the ancestral mapping exercise from "The Ground Screams to Whisper" can serve as an innovative approach to addressing digital rights abuses exemplified by services like 23andMe. We will engage in a collaborative discussion on the intersections of digital rights personal data sovereignty and the importance of kinship and community in the digital age. Participants will delve into the potential of using arts and crafts-based ancestral mapping as a means to reimagine freedom and privacy in the context of digital rights.</small>
|'''<small>Researchers Meetup</small>'''
| <small>'''Web Accessibility'''</small>
|<small>'''Return of the zines: A hands-on approach to censorship circumvention'''</small>
|<small>Awareness, basic concepts, benefits, legislation, best practices, how to start?</small>
|<small>More people are online than ever before. But because of increasing levels of censorship, fewer people seem to share the same online experience as populations. Zamaneh Media invites you to revisit a pivotal era when photocopiers were revolutionary tools in a fight for access to platforms and audiences. Join us for a hands-on workshop on zine-making, where we will delve into the contemporary power of zines to promote peer-to-peer content sharing. Together, we'll discuss how this grassroots strategy can expand publishers' reach and enhance news consumers' access to information, especially in today's restricted internet environments.</small>
|'''<small>Western Europe Meetup</small>'''
|<small>'''Safeguarding NGOs and Digital Rights Organizations: Tackling Insider Threats and Beyond'''</small>
|<small>Security directors from HRW, Access Now, AI, and other NGOs will tackle the issue of insider threats, focusing on their impact on non-profits and digital rights organizations. We'll define insider threats, discuss the unique risks they pose, especially during crises and events, and provide practical examples from the field, we will also touch on the broader threat landscape. Participants will engage in an open discussion to share their experiences and strategies for managing insider threats, both physical and digital. We will lead a segment on developing realistic scenario-based training to better equip your team. This session aims to provide concrete solutions and resources to strengthen your organization's security against insider threats such mitigation strategies, including robust access controls, cybersecurity measures, and scenario-based trainings.</small>
|<small>'''Safety for Voices: South-South Strategies for WHRDs in Digital Spaces'''</small>
|<small>Acknowledging that the threats and attacks targeting women and gender-diverse human rights defenders (WHRDs) in the digital sphere are an extension of patriarchal, racist, and colonial systematic violence, this initiative seeks to establish a platform for critical reflection rooted in South-South collaboration. Through the presentation of two studies aimed at documenting the patterns of violence and the tools of resistance employed by WHRDs within their territories, the activity will facilitate the sharing of experiences and the development of collective strategies to safeguard their voices. Grounded in a holistic feminist protection approach, the activity aims to foster solidarity and resilience among WHRDs facing digital threats.</small>
|<small>'''Securing the Digital Frontline: Threat Analysis for Human Rights Defenders in Thailand and Vietnam'''</small>
|<small>Join us for an insightful discussion on our research findings related to digital security risks and the physical threats leading to these risks for human rights defenders in Thailand and Vietnam. We will explore effective protection mechanisms, share lessons learned, and discuss strategies to enhance the safety and resilience of digital advocates in these regions.</small>
|'''<small>Shield or Sham: How useful are digital security trainings?</small>'''
|<small>While some consider them the first line of defense in the eternal fight against malign online actors, others think they are a waste of time and money. This session aims to dive into a critical examination of digital security training’s role in strengthening resilience and threat resistance of journalists, human rights defenders and marginalized groups. Do trainings work? can traditional security trainings keep up with the sophisticated tactics of cybercriminals, in particular when they are state-sponsored? Are trainings equipping individuals and organizations with the necessary tools to better protect themselves, or are they providing a false sense of security? And if trainings do not work, what is the alternative? This session seeks to explore the effectiveness of digital security trainings in fostering a culture of cyber resilience versus their potential to please donors and funding trends and presenting an “easy fix” to a complex problem.</small>
|'''<small>Supporting Asian HRDs in the frontline : How we shape the local supporting system and model</small>'''
|<small>By gathering at least 3 different asian digital security supporting groups for human rights defenders, we want to exchange the experiences that how we develop our own service models correspond to the socio-political enviroments and digital threats that where we and HRDs are based on. Based on these sharings, we further discuss how to find the resources to keep growing this supporting work in the local base and thought the regional network.</small>
|'''<small>Supporting Disrupted Media</small>'''
|<small>Media organizations are facing fundamental disruption after a decade of over-reliance on algorithmic amplification. In response, a new group of media entrepreneurs is emerging, focusing on meeting community needs. This conversation will explore the intersection of technology and media strategy, examining the challenges and opportunities in this evolving landscape. Join us as we discuss the impact of algorithmic amplification on traditional media, the rise of community-focused initiatives, and the potential for innovation in the industry. We'll consider how emerging technologies and changing consumer behaviors are reshaping media business models, and what this means for the future of information dissemination and community engagement.</small>
|<small>'''Sustainable self-hosting?'''</small>
|<small>As Big Tech services continue to be enshittified, made costly, or become untrustworthy, self-hosting is looking as an increasingly attractive option. But self-hosting long-term in a sustainable way – not just in the financial sense, but also in the sense of effort, burnout, and risks – is a tough nut to crack. What is out there, as far as tools, best practices, and support networks? What is missing? What are people's experiences with self-hosting?</small>
|'''<small>Tactics for engaging tech stakeholders in digital rights advocacy. The experiences and future opportunities across Indo-Pacific region.</small>'''
|<small>Indo-Pacific is a critical region for global security and economy; yet, civil society in the region faces multiple challenges from digital authoritarianism which are hardly addressed by one group or a single expertise alone. The Indo-Pacific Center for Promoting Civil Society Resilience was built to enhance collaboration and experiences sharing, and this circle discussion intends to highlight lessons learned from the CSOs in the region and explore the strategies to fill the gap. For example, the coalition between human rights groups and tech communities is a workable model in Taiwan for safeguarding digital security and pushback repressive digital regulations.</small>
|'''<small>Technologists Meetup</small>'''
|'''<small>Technology, Data and Elections: The role of data and technologies in electoral processes</small>'''
|<small>With an unprecedented number of elections happening in 2024, this discussion will focus around the government use of data-intensive technologies - which goes hand-in-hand with the involvement of private companies - during the election cycle. \nStates are turning to biometric voter registration and verification technologies, which often result in the development of nationwide databases containing masses of personal data. \nTechnologies are also redefining political campaigning and advertising practices. Combined with the platforms that enable them, this is creating an environment that facilitates the manipulation of opinion and, in some cases, the exclusion of voters. \nWhat are the risks involved, and how can we avoid the abuse of technologies during the election cycle?</small>
|'''<small>Tor Project</small>'''
|'''<small>The future of decent work in the planetary digital capitalism: AI, automation and digital platforms</small>'''
|<small>This circle aims to generate dialogues and discussions around the future of work in the dawn of generative Artificial Intelligence, the automation of intellectual work and the increasing platformization of the economy. These developments have the potential of reshaping the planetary economy, imposing additional risks on human rights, but most importantly they challenge the work itself of digital rights defenders, policy makers and academics. This circle offers a scenario to discuss if we should adapt or resist these technologies, and both the tactics and strategies that should arise.</small>
|<small>'''VPN Community Initiative'''</small>
|<small>'''Where have you been / what’s your next destination'''</small>
|'''<small>VPN Infrastructure - Challanges & needs</small>'''
|<small>Chats and info sharing on your travel plan before and after Feira.</small>
|<small>In the community multiple VPN providers are active. As infrastructure provider we try to offer the best available. In this circle we want to share working experiences, missing links and other ideas to better accommodate infrastructure for VPN providers.</small>
|<small>'''2023 needs assessment of the digital security community in Eastern Partnership countries'''</small>
|<small>'''VPN Provider Transparency - Addressing Threats that Shady VPNs Pose to VPN Clients and Providers'''</small>
|<small>Facilitators will present findings of the latest research focused on the needs of and the challenges faced by the digital security providers in the six countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.</small> <small>Participants will discuss findings and possible solutions.</small> <small>This meet up is for local digital security practitioners, implementers, and donors interested in the sustainability and capacity development of the digital security community in the region.</small>
|<small>In this circle, Ben from Breakpointing Bad will touch base with the VPN community about threats VPN clients and providers face from the myriad of VPN apps distributed on Google Play and elsewhere. The goals of this circle are to network between organizations, align current project's trajectory with community needs, address gaps in analysis, reporting, and identify new opportunities to address threats to VPNs. To do this, Ben will begin by sharing current results from his OTF ICFP fellowship on suspicious VPN providers about which concerning details, including potential links to malicious actors, Breakpointing Bad has identified and then invite community members of this circle for a discussion about how well the current findings align with threats and issues the community is experiencing, gaps in understanding and how to address them, identify new issues that may be unaddressed, and plan how best to address new challenges.</small>
|<small>'''State of Emergency: Torture in Nicaragua'''</small>
|<small>'''World-wide Autonomous Comunication Over HF Band'''</small>
|<small>Understanding that it is a very difficult issue to address, but extremely necessary for the thousands of victims who have suffered it in Nicaragua. In this session I would like to talk about:</small><small>A summary of the seriousness of the context in which Nicaragua has found itself for 5 years, such as the closure of organizations, exile, total elimination of freedom of expression, denationalization, among others. The various forms of torture, including sexual violence against women. Clandestine detention centres and perpetrators of torture.</small>
|<small>In the circle we'll present the High-frequency Emergency and Rural Multimedia Exchange System (HERMES) project. HERMES is a telecommunication system which provides very long range communication capability (hundreds / thousands of kilometers links) by using skywave propagation on the HF band.\nOur current projects connects isolated communities in the Amazon rain-forest, Central Africa and fisherman boats far away from the shore in Bengali Bay, in Bangladesh.</small>
|<small>'''Doxxing, personal information and what you can do'''</small>
|'''<small>What are your operations and admin challenges?</small>'''
|<small>We are building a community of practice around doxxing, the sharing of personal information in public forums with the purpose of harm. We will discuss:</small>
|<small>When it comes to operations and finances, what are the hardest things for you as a civil society activist in the internet freedom space? We want to know! We’re building an organisation, interalia, aimed at lowering the operations barriers for civil society with equity and care at its heart – let us worry about admin, so you don’t have to. We have plenty of experience working in this field, but we’d love to hear about your specific struggles, questions, and challenges. How can we help as intermediaries providing a layer of care and security for you?</small>
*<small>how doxxing can happen and what sources of data can create opportunities</small>
*<small>the impacts of doxxing to an individual, their family, workplace and community</small>
*<small>what you can do to protect yourself and loved ones and your team</small>
<small>We will welcome sharing of experiences as is safe for each person. No one will be asked to share and personal or traumatic experiences.</small>
|'''<small>Digital Educators and Trainers Meetup</small>'''
|<small>'''Western Europe Regional Meetup'''</small>
|<small>Educators and trainers on digital topics can come together, connect and share their experience. People can propose topics at the beginning, otherwise I would run a discussion on a) status quo & possible challenges, b) sharing of happy stories, things we are proud of, and c) sharing educational methodologies and tipps with each other.</small>

Revision as of 17:46, 12 August 2024

Instructions for Scheduling Self-Organized Sessions During the Global Gathering

Self-Organized Sessions GG.png

To organize a self-organized while at the Global Gathering, please follow the instructions found here.

Note: This schedule will be updated regularly, please check every morning and throughout the day, as more self-organized events will be added.

Friday, September 27th

Circles and Evening Activities

All descriptions are found here Circle Descriptions.

September 27
Circles and Evening Activities
AREA Booth
Starts at 18:00 Sponsors of Evening Activities:
Greenhost logo.pngCalyx_Logo.png


Project Booths

Checkout the Project Showcase Description at the end of this page to read the bio of each project participating.

Booth September 15
Project Showcase
13:30 - 15:30 16:00 - 18:00
69 Glitter Corner - Add some glitter to your life! Glitter Corner - Add some glitter to your life!
70 Swag Corner - Leave your stickers and swag for participants here! Swag Corner - Leave your stickers and swag for participants here!

We want to thank the following partners and sponsors who have already confirmed their support for 2024! More coming!

Equity Fund Sponsors

Circle Descriptions

Meetup Title Meetup Description
Africa Meetup
Asia Meetup
Activate the Network: Collective Training Against Internet Shutdowns In this Circle, we will explore how capacity building can empower activists and organizations to form effective coalitions in the fight against internet shutdowns. We will bring together diverse participants to discuss strategies, share experiences, and debate the best approaches to promote resilience and coordinated action in contexts of digital censorship. This session aims to be a catalyst for inter-organizational collaboration, strengthening a global network united by the defense of online freedom.
Amplifying Research on Digital Rights through Popular Culture How can research and digital rights organizations do more to democratize access to information about the future of digital rights? Researchers, technologists, journalists, activists, and creatives will come together to explore how to use creative use of media to amplify information about privacy, safety, and the threats of the future, including how to cut through cynicism and apathy about digital autonomy, and how to use popular culture, including film, music, and social media, to put key safety and access information in front of more people.
Bridging the Gaps Between Activists and Hackers: How To Talk With Each Other About Security There is a lot of powerful, open security-related technology that remains known and used only to specialists and hackers - technology that could be used by journalists, activists and other persons with high security needs. However, there are many barriers between activist and hacker spaces, many of which are related to communication problems and lack of awareness of what exactly are other people's needs. As a hacker and UX developer, I would like this circle to facilitate exchange of ideas and issues between those communities.
Building a digital rights movement among the Francophone Community During our very first online meetings, our francophone Team Community identified the need to better coordinate our efforts across French-speaking countries in Africa and the Middle East to identify patterns of digital threats. While many of us will meet in person for the first time at the Global Gathering, our goal with this Circle is to build community-driven knowledge and strategize advocacy campaigns within the French-speaking digital rights community.
Building a new privacy-preserving and decentralized messenger We’re building a new generation of open-source messenger combining privacy, security, and decentralization. This is based on the Messaging Layer Security protocol and a tech stack we have been developing. We want to discuss with you what the future of secure messaging might look like and what your needs are for messaging applications.
Building The Asia Digital Rights Community This circle will operate as a networking-cum-strategizing space for digital rights defenders from Asia. It will help in establishing cross-country networks to enable regional collaborations. It will codesign strategies to effectively sustain the digital rights community's momentum in the Asia region; create more welcoming and engaging spaces; and identify ways in which more people can participate and be helped in their digital rights work in the region.
Butter Box in Latin American Indigenous languages In this circle, we will share our lessons and learnings from the process of localizing Butter Box in Latin American indigenous languages, the impacts obtained, and the importance of localizing circumvention tools in Latin American indigenous communities.
ButterBox-life without the internet made smoother This past year we deployed the ButterBox ecosystem in various regions around the globe. The ButterBox is a hotspot & ecosystem of curated apps, encrypted chat and the ability to share resources via a USB. This circle will focus on hearing from the field agents who implemented the box in various use cases (for digital security trainings, within an apartment building for sharing entertainment, with indigenous offline communities, to prepare for internet shutdowns). We will also provide time to brainstorm the future of Butter with attendees.
Calyx Institute CiviCERT is a network of Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs), Rapid Response teams, and independent Internet Content and Service Providers who help civil society prevent and address digital security issues. This private session will allow CiviCERT members to meet in person, discuss network issues and develop opportunities for further in-network collaboration.
Challenges in Data-Driven Journalism Engage in a collaborative session that delves into the challenges and opportunities in data-driven journalism. Share experiences, tools, and techniques that aid journalists in uncovering and narrating impactful stories through data.
Co-leadership for sustainable organizations Co-leadership is an innovative model to enable sustainability, allowing for alternatives to single-leadership, distributing power and decision making within organizations. Through the approach we’ve developed at The Engine Room, we’ve found that it can center trust, mutual care, and collaboration, while uplifting the differences in lived experiences, which can be critical to fostering organizational resilience and wellbeing. We look forward to sharing our experience, and hear from participants reflecting on their journey towards co-leadership models - even if this journey hasn't started yet. We expect to explore together how to build trust, care and collaboration and how a model like this one, can impact equity, collaboration, wellbeing, funder relations, remote work, decision making and strategy setting. We will also look to make space to surface skills, knowledge, practices to be cultivated, and learn together as a community on how to support each other through this path.
Community Networks Circle
Countering digital authoritarianism and online repression in Central Asia In Central Asia, digital rights are facing a significant decline as governments introduce restrictive laws targeting independent media, journalists, bloggers and anti-corruption reporters. Online freedom is increasingly being curtailed by surveillance and privacy crackdowns. The proposed session brings together leading media lawyers and human rights activists from the region to address these pressing issues.
CTRL + ALT + DEL: Learnings on movement building from the Digital Rights Asia-Pacific Assemblies What comes next after two Digital Rights Asia-Pacific (DRAPAC) Assemblies in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and Taipei, Taiwan? This Circle is open to anyone who wants to discuss how the digital rights movement in the Asia-Pacific can continue to. Empower peoples across Asia-Pacific to regain control of our civic spaces, fundamental rights, social platforms, and digital technology from the dominance of big tech and interference by the state. Platform innovative alternatives in approaching and strategizing human rights advocacy in Asia-Pacific by centering local grassroots communities and strengthening networks across borders. Shift our thinking and culture towards more open, inclusive, and participatory decision-making processes and governance structures within the regional digital rights movements.
Current blocking trends, how states in different countries do it The event is intended to discuss current trends in the field of government blocking and censorship on the Internet. It will examine the methods used by governments to control and restrict access to information online, as well as discuss the challenges facing users and technology companies. Topics for discussion: 1. Current trends in government blocking: analysis of recent events and changes in censorship policies in various countries. 2. Methods of implementing censorship: studying the technologies and methods used by states to block access to certain resources and services on the Internet. 3. Impact on Freedom of Information: Discusses the implications of government censorship for freedom of speech, human rights, and the development of the Internet community. 4. Development prospects: the search for new approaches to bypassing blocking and protecting user privacy, as well as the role of technology companies in this process.
Design sprint for everyone: simple steps in building bite-size digital security tip cards If you wonder how to create engaging and clear digital security tips and how-tos that you can share easily with people online, this is a session for you. The Human Rights Centered Design community invites you to this hands-on workshop to take simple steps and tools to build visually appealing info cards, infographics, and presentations to spice up your conversations with diverse communities and add fun to knowledge sharing. You will take away from the session some design tricks and pros and cons for aiding tools, as well as a new communication toolkit by Superbloom to streamline your creative process.
Developing robust signaling channel For users in highly censored regions, gaining access to anti-censorship tools can be difficult since these tools are prime targets of blocking by censors. A signaling channels is a highly available (i.e., difficult for censors to block), typically low-bandwidth, method of communication that aims to provide users access to more robust anti-censorship tools. Typically a user makes a request to a signaling channel and gets a response that includes secret keys and/or addresses of proxies or bridges for users to make a censorship-resistant connection. Despite the existence of many censorship-resistant tools, options for signaling channels are limited. With many cloud providers opting to discontinue support for domain fronting, we are interested in exploring strategies around new signaling channels that might be able to help censored users get essential information to make anti-censorship connections.
Developing stories and talking points to support fundraising Storytelling, explaining your work succinctly, and differentiating your program from others are all critical to fundraising successfully. In this session, we will go through best practices in these tools and practice communicating our impact for potential funders.
Digital Challenges for Journalists and Activists During the Conflict During the session, we will discuss the digital risks and threats journalists and activists face in Eastern Europe during the conflict. Journalists and activists are vulnerable groups during conflicts due to their coverage of difficult topics for societies, which makes them targets for attackers. Are there common threats, and would it be possible to find common solutions for security specialists?
Digital Iran Reloaded: Gamers’ Circumvention Tactics in the IRI The goal of this circle is to discuss the current circumvention methods used by gamers, how methods could be improved based on preliminary findings, and receiving feedback from the community on improving the project analysis. It is my hope to network with others primarily and receive necessary feedback with the finalization of project analysis.
Digital rights after the fall: what should we do with the digital heritage of a dictatorship Modern digital dictatorship would leave after it’s fall the all-inclusive digital police state system, ready for the possibility of a next political system repeating the mistakes. In this collaborative discussion we will talk about the use of digital tools of the Russian government, that one day will be free of an oppressing force behind them and will become tools. What data should be deleted forever? What kind of usage of the systems should fall under a strong policy, and what we should not be afraid to use for the good of the people? This is our call for help for participant’s collective imagination, hope, and creativity, as well as knowledge, experience, and suspicion.
Digital Rights in Portugal: Where do we go from here A get-together for Portugal-based digital rights orgs and activists to sit down, share their struggles and achievements, establish bonds and think up what we can accomplish together.
Digital Security in El Salvador: Engaging CSO's and media outlets building a digital security school Present the capacity-building program running in El Salvador for CSO's and independent media outlets in the middle of the surveillance and repression by the current government.
Digital Security Providers in Eastern Europe: New Solutions to Familiar Challenges? Similar to our 2023 GG session, we will present the findings of an annual assessment examining the work of digital security (digisec) specialists in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine carried out by the community since 2021. The assessment focuses on the work environment, demand for digisec services within local civil society, security of digisec specialists and formats of their services, availability of resources, and other aspects essential to their work. We will outline the findings specific to each country, old and emergent trends we are seeing across the region, and compare findings from 2024 to those from 2021, 2022, and 2023. We will also review efforts made to support the digisec community and build the capacity of its members and invite everyone to discuss these and other potential solutions. We hope our session would be useful for everyone engaged in and interested in supporting digisec work in Eastern Europe/South Caucuses and beyond.
Digital Security Trainers Meetup
Digital threats in the Arab speaking countries This circle is for the Arab speaking countries to share their knowledge of the current threats/issues, either if they are direct digital security threats (e.g attacks, censorship, ...) or digital rights threats and issues (e.g laws, police asking people to unlock their phones, ...), and their responses to them. This will help mapping the current issues in this region, sharing of intel and responses, and possibly defining and suggesting actions to address this gap between supply and demand
Discriminatory UX: How software can gatekeep people Many initiatives are build on powerful and usable software we use every day. But what when this software tools keep us from being included based on disabilities, citizenship or language skills? An open discussion facilitated by us to know more about the tools attendees use for their work and the issues they are facing.
Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus Regional Meetup
Exchanging feminist methodologies, politics and practice in capacity building and feminist technology Folks who identify as feminist tech trainers and facilitators are part of feminist movements. We encourage an awareness, in these movements, of the politics and practice of technology through an intersectional lens. The internet can be, for many activists and marginal identities, a space of violence, surveillance and constantly evolving and confusing technologies. As feminist tech trainers, we approach sharing and learning from a place of care, fun, creativity, awareness of the diversity of contextual realities and the knowledge of the trauma people carry. Responding with methodologies that speak to challenging hierarchies in training spaces and being agile and creative, are cornerstones of learning spaces for feminists. In this circle, we invite our speakers to share how they approach learning spaces as feminist tech trainers, what methodologies they use and why creative methodological approaches are so critical in shaping caring, collective and engaged training spaces.
Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Open Source Projects While code is crucial, the management of open source projects, the diversity of contributors and users, selection of communication channels and transparency among others are equally important. Join us for an engaging discussion on how diversity and inclusion influence every aspect of open source projects. We'll share our experiences and insights on creating a welcoming and equitable open source community based on conversations with open source projects under Next Generation Internet Zero (NGI0) initiative.
From Wristbands to Smartphones: Designing for Physical Safety! Join us for an engaging hands-on workshop where we'll share our firsthand experiences designing Circulo and the Natalia Project, tech and initiatives focused on physical safety. This workshop will provide a space for rights defenders and organizations to discuss their strategies for safeguarding themselves and their networks in the field. Let's circle up and collaborate to enhance our collective knowledge about safety protocols and the features technology can embrace to boost safety. Circle Facilitators: Okthanks, Guardian Project, Civil Rights Defenders
GenAI & LLMs in COMO & TS: where do human rights and communities fit in today’s hottest acronyms? Focusing on Generative AI (GenAI) and their underlying technologies like foundation models or large language models (LLMs), this session explores the human rights impacts of these systems in content governance. We will look at how these systems are deployed in the Global Majority, where considerations of local language, context and cultural nuances are critical, e.g., during elections in fragile democracies or in conflict zones. As AI-driven platforms increasingly rely on these technologies for content governance, they risk unintentionally suppressing legitimate content while fueling violence online, disproportionately affecting marginalized groups and those living in the Global Majority. We'll use Discord as a case study, as the platform is currently piloting ECNL’s framework for meaningful engagement in AI while developing LLMs for enforcing content moderation policies.
Growing Support for FOSS Sustainability Free and open source code is the foundation for the technology that human rights defenders, activists, journalists, and other at-risk communities rely on to access the internet and communicate safely and securely. Despite the critical role they play, many FOSS projects struggle to find funding that supports their long-term sustainability. The essential, day-to-day bug-squashing, security updates, community management, and operational activities needed to maintain reliable and secure technologies are either squeezed into new-feature proposals, or too often left unfunded altogether. \nMore funders are stepping up to address this challenge. This Circle brings together some of those funders to share with the Global Gathering community about their approaches to funding sustainability for human rights FOSS projects, learn from participants about the sustainability challenges their projects face, and explore ways that the funding ecosystem can be more responsive to their needs.
Guardian Project
Guardians of Change: Strengthening Cybersecurity in Civil Society In today's interconnected world, civil society organizations play a pivotal role in driving positive change. However, their impact can be hindered by cybersecurity threats. This circle aims to empower civil society leaders and activists with the knowledge and tools to bolster their cybersecurity defenses. Through discussions on emerging threats, best practices in digital security, and practical tips for implementation, participants will leave equipped to safeguard their organizations and advance their missions securely in the digital age. Join us in becoming the Guardians of Change in the fight to strengthen cybersecurity within civil society.
Horse before the cart: Empowering change with representative local data Digital rights and IF programs will continue to be a vital lifeline amid the proliferation of censorship and surveillance technologies, and declining internet freedom year after year. This brings essential reflections into focus: Are these crucial programs of tomorrow (and the decades beyond) prepared? Do they appropriately address community needs and priorities? How do we ensure that local voices are represented in our program goals and activities? If our future work is to impact local populations at a significant scale, it necessitates working from a deep understanding of the communities we endeavour to help. We hold this space to discuss how program management can synergize - not just intersect - with audience research and impact assessment insights that help us understand, and bring into focus, local priorities for future change.
How do we get the internet we want?: Feminist Provocations and Questions for Internet Governance The current moment is a reckoning at a global level on internet governance. The power of technology companies has been growing unabated, in spite of the existence of processes for internet governance. This year marks 20 years of the World Summit of Information Society and in 2024, the Global Digital Compact has been introduced by the United Nations for establishing shared principles for digital cooperation and governance worldwide. All these processes forefront inclusion and multistakeholderism, but the lived experience for most activists from a marginalised location has been of inaccessibility and opacity. What is needed right now is a coming together through spaces like the Global Gathering, to determine feminist, queer and radical perspectives on internet governance and more active engagement. As part of the background for this panel, please check out: Preliminary feminist provocations on internet governance and WSIS+20
How to stop promising/doing audits and start promising/doing what is actually needed Trainings, ToTs, Checklists, Audits - why is our fixation on formats so obsessive? The vicious circle "Applications writers - Donors - Practitioners - CSOs (clients)" makes us to forget what we actually wanted to help to provide real assistance. Not "X audits for $Y money within 12 months" - but real help. I want to think together and discuss how could we (practitioners) to communicate with applications writers donors and CSOs - in the end to make the programs/projects to reflect what is actually needed a real help instead of "audits/trainings/ToTs/etc". I hope to have a honest relaxed conversation.
Identifying AI-Generated Content: how? Join us to discuss the issue of the identification of AI-Generated Content! How and when should we try to implement it? Whose responsibility should it be? How should it be regulated? Is it technically feasible to do it? How will it impact online content sharing, trust, privacy and the safety of civil society? We'll talk about everything - join us!
Incident Response Working Group The Incident Response Working Group is an ongoing series of meetings between censorship circumvention tool developers, human rights workers, and help desk administrators to discuss how to better respond to incidents of escalated blocking and Internet shutdowns. The group discusses what barriers exist to collaboration and coordination among multiple stakeholders through structured workgroup sessions. The goal is to help end users get back online faster by reducing the time to detect incidents, develop mitigations, and deploy those mitigations to end users.
Is it time to create certification for digital security practitioners? There's a growing community of digital security practitioners, who work with the civil society and are often funded by charities and grants. These practitioners often have varying degrees of competence, and sometimes, if they are not technically competent enough, they might do more harm than good. It would seem that establishing some sort of a certification for such practitioners could be a good idea, but I see both positives and negatives in this. I plan to host a discussion and gather the community's feedback on this under the title: "Is it time to create certification for digital security practitioners?", Mykola Kostinyan, Internews.
Journalists, Sources and Whistleblowers: Increasing Threats to Press Freedom Journalists, researchers, advocates and whistleblowers holding public and private malign interests accountable are encountering insidious attempts to deter, undermine and silence their work. These attempts are less obvious, less visible and harder to explain to the public than overt tactics like jailing unfriendly journalists, barring foreign outlets or promoting state-controlled propaganda, but they are effectively eroding press freedom, free speech and accountability. Looking at examples of malign donor influence silencing academic research, killing unfavorable media stories, lawfare against journalists and media outlets - compounded by retaliation against whistleblowers and the aggressive use of NDA’s - Libby Liu, Arzu Geybulla and Naomi Seligman will share insights from recent whistleblower cases and convene a conversation on what these tactics look like around the world.
Knowledge sharing across circumvention tool providers and Outline SDK users around the world In the ever-changing censorship environments, tool providers and content providers must adopt new circumvention technologies at a faster pace. In this circle, we will host a discussion about the situation of censorship circumvention work in different regions (e.g, what are some unmet needs right now, how are censors getting ahead of the cat-and-mouse games, and what are some lessons learned); at the same time, we invite tool providers that have integrated Jigsaw’s Outline to share their experience about how the technology is performing in different regions.
Latin America Regional Meetup We are starting to organize a ""Tor advocates program"" and we want to host a circle for people who train others on Tor to learn about this idea and give us feedback on it.
Law and Policy for IBSA The circle will invite participants to share their thoughts on the current state of law and policy protection against Image Based Sexual Abuse, and to identify measures that platforms and governments can take to address the concern effectively with minimal harm to encryption, freedom of speech and abuse by procedure.
Managers Meetup We made big changes at Tor to have the user as the center of everything we do. In 2017 we started to implement usability research as the key director for our decisions on development and organization strategy. We would like to share about what we learned during this process and how it has been beneficial to us.
Maximizing engagement in your digital literacy workshop through gameplay Teaching new concepts and skills to adult learners can be tricky business; we all have a million tasks on our to-do lists. Gaining and sustaining the attention of your workshop participants requires a wide variety of strategies. This session will debut a new card game explicitly designed to teach fundamental data privacy skills to workshop participants and individual groups of learners through a bespoke card game. Join me for a debrief of what I learned in the process of developing a new game, and help me invent the next one!
MENA Regional Meetup - Discuss how censorship tech providers can better share technology to avoid duplication and remove hurdles to move faster with less effort.
- Present the Outline SDK as a possible approach to the problem of sharing tech. Gather feedback.
- Discuss a standard to report connectivity issues to share insights in a time-sensitive and comprehensive way.
- Hear about what everyone is working on and are excited about.
North America Regional Meetup Companies around the world are employing tactics that strangle employee voices to force secrecy about bad behavior. But the ability to speak out is essential to the fight to ensure oversight and regulation of tech companies who are mis-using NDAs, created to protect trade secrets, and silencing victims and witnesses of corporate wrongdoing. US federal law - following California's Silence No More Act - has started to chisel away at this problem by excluding workplace harassment from these clauses.

This is a Call for Collaboration: Whistleblower Aid is working to launch a campaign to educate workers on the actual threat these agreements represent so we can hold these powerful companies accountable to their actions - while keeping workers safe.
Nowhere feels safe: Digital transnational repression against women human rights defenders in exile Repressive governments use invasive surveillance, online harassment and defamation campaigns to reach across borders and threaten women activists in exile and diaspora communities. What are the methods and silencing effects of gender-based digital transnational repression? How can we defend and empower the individuals and communities at risk? This circle discusses the findings of the Citizen Lab’s research into digital threats against women human rights defenders living in exile or in the diaspora and seeks input on recommendations for measures of protection and risk mitigation for targets of digital transnational repression.
On selective protection and regulations: TFGBV and hate speech against gender and sexual rights defenders The Feminist Internet Research Network (FIRN) brings together feminist researchers and civic society organisations from the Global South to produce evidence and context-based analysis in issues such as access; algorithmic inequality and surveillance; online gender-based violence; and gendered labour in the digital economy. In this proposed session, we plan to have a dialogue with researchers, human rights advocates, sexual rights advocates and activists to share insights on governments’ and technology organisations’ preferences and selective attention when dealing with online and technology-facilitated violence; and the role of gender and sexual politics in this process.
Policy Workers Meetup
Private Meeting: the MENA Alliance for Digital Rights The MENA Digital Rights Alliance is a civil society coalition advancing digital rights in the Middle East and North Africa region. We are a group of 12 local and global civil society organizations and activists who believe in the power of collective action and cross-border solidarity in the fight against rising digital authoritarianism. In this private meeting, we’ll delve into current and emerging regional trends, threats and opportunities, create shared priorities, and strategize on potential joint advocacy and campaigning. This session will set our strategic plan and focus areas for the upcoming year and discuss each other's work. We want to set shared priorities to create joint efforts and advocacy campaigns. The MADR meets already every month, online. This meeting will be a continuity of our yearly in-person meetings. These in-person convenings are to set an agenda for the year and they do participate in building momentum for the alliance's advocacy efforts.
Reflecting on Surveillance Studies Research Methodologies: The good, the bad and the ugly The rising tide of authoritarianism has led to an increased uptake of suppressive surveillance by governments across the world. Many dedicated researchers and other internet freedom community members have worked to understand and counter repressive surveillance tactics through several different methodologies, including network measurement, supply chain, forensics, and ONSINT. This circle will be for learning the challenges the researchers face, and learning the gaps in surveillance-research funding.
Reimagination of Freedom: Digital Rights and Kinship through "The Ground Screams to Whisper Ancestral Mapping" This Circle will explore how the ancestral mapping exercise from "The Ground Screams to Whisper" can serve as an innovative approach to addressing digital rights abuses exemplified by services like 23andMe. We will engage in a collaborative discussion on the intersections of digital rights personal data sovereignty and the importance of kinship and community in the digital age. Participants will delve into the potential of using arts and crafts-based ancestral mapping as a means to reimagine freedom and privacy in the context of digital rights.
Researchers Meetup
Return of the zines: A hands-on approach to censorship circumvention More people are online than ever before. But because of increasing levels of censorship, fewer people seem to share the same online experience as populations. Zamaneh Media invites you to revisit a pivotal era when photocopiers were revolutionary tools in a fight for access to platforms and audiences. Join us for a hands-on workshop on zine-making, where we will delve into the contemporary power of zines to promote peer-to-peer content sharing. Together, we'll discuss how this grassroots strategy can expand publishers' reach and enhance news consumers' access to information, especially in today's restricted internet environments.
Safeguarding NGOs and Digital Rights Organizations: Tackling Insider Threats and Beyond Security directors from HRW, Access Now, AI, and other NGOs will tackle the issue of insider threats, focusing on their impact on non-profits and digital rights organizations. We'll define insider threats, discuss the unique risks they pose, especially during crises and events, and provide practical examples from the field, we will also touch on the broader threat landscape. Participants will engage in an open discussion to share their experiences and strategies for managing insider threats, both physical and digital. We will lead a segment on developing realistic scenario-based training to better equip your team. This session aims to provide concrete solutions and resources to strengthen your organization's security against insider threats such mitigation strategies, including robust access controls, cybersecurity measures, and scenario-based trainings.
Safety for Voices: South-South Strategies for WHRDs in Digital Spaces Acknowledging that the threats and attacks targeting women and gender-diverse human rights defenders (WHRDs) in the digital sphere are an extension of patriarchal, racist, and colonial systematic violence, this initiative seeks to establish a platform for critical reflection rooted in South-South collaboration. Through the presentation of two studies aimed at documenting the patterns of violence and the tools of resistance employed by WHRDs within their territories, the activity will facilitate the sharing of experiences and the development of collective strategies to safeguard their voices. Grounded in a holistic feminist protection approach, the activity aims to foster solidarity and resilience among WHRDs facing digital threats.
Securing the Digital Frontline: Threat Analysis for Human Rights Defenders in Thailand and Vietnam Join us for an insightful discussion on our research findings related to digital security risks and the physical threats leading to these risks for human rights defenders in Thailand and Vietnam. We will explore effective protection mechanisms, share lessons learned, and discuss strategies to enhance the safety and resilience of digital advocates in these regions.
Shield or Sham: How useful are digital security trainings? While some consider them the first line of defense in the eternal fight against malign online actors, others think they are a waste of time and money. This session aims to dive into a critical examination of digital security training’s role in strengthening resilience and threat resistance of journalists, human rights defenders and marginalized groups. Do trainings work? can traditional security trainings keep up with the sophisticated tactics of cybercriminals, in particular when they are state-sponsored? Are trainings equipping individuals and organizations with the necessary tools to better protect themselves, or are they providing a false sense of security? And if trainings do not work, what is the alternative? This session seeks to explore the effectiveness of digital security trainings in fostering a culture of cyber resilience versus their potential to please donors and funding trends and presenting an “easy fix” to a complex problem.
Supporting Asian HRDs in the frontline : How we shape the local supporting system and model By gathering at least 3 different asian digital security supporting groups for human rights defenders, we want to exchange the experiences that how we develop our own service models correspond to the socio-political enviroments and digital threats that where we and HRDs are based on. Based on these sharings, we further discuss how to find the resources to keep growing this supporting work in the local base and thought the regional network.
Supporting Disrupted Media Media organizations are facing fundamental disruption after a decade of over-reliance on algorithmic amplification. In response, a new group of media entrepreneurs is emerging, focusing on meeting community needs. This conversation will explore the intersection of technology and media strategy, examining the challenges and opportunities in this evolving landscape. Join us as we discuss the impact of algorithmic amplification on traditional media, the rise of community-focused initiatives, and the potential for innovation in the industry. We'll consider how emerging technologies and changing consumer behaviors are reshaping media business models, and what this means for the future of information dissemination and community engagement.
Sustainable self-hosting? As Big Tech services continue to be enshittified, made costly, or become untrustworthy, self-hosting is looking as an increasingly attractive option. But self-hosting long-term in a sustainable way – not just in the financial sense, but also in the sense of effort, burnout, and risks – is a tough nut to crack. What is out there, as far as tools, best practices, and support networks? What is missing? What are people's experiences with self-hosting?
Tactics for engaging tech stakeholders in digital rights advocacy. The experiences and future opportunities across Indo-Pacific region. Indo-Pacific is a critical region for global security and economy; yet, civil society in the region faces multiple challenges from digital authoritarianism which are hardly addressed by one group or a single expertise alone. The Indo-Pacific Center for Promoting Civil Society Resilience was built to enhance collaboration and experiences sharing, and this circle discussion intends to highlight lessons learned from the CSOs in the region and explore the strategies to fill the gap. For example, the coalition between human rights groups and tech communities is a workable model in Taiwan for safeguarding digital security and pushback repressive digital regulations.
Technologists Meetup
Technology, Data and Elections: The role of data and technologies in electoral processes With an unprecedented number of elections happening in 2024, this discussion will focus around the government use of data-intensive technologies - which goes hand-in-hand with the involvement of private companies - during the election cycle. \nStates are turning to biometric voter registration and verification technologies, which often result in the development of nationwide databases containing masses of personal data. \nTechnologies are also redefining political campaigning and advertising practices. Combined with the platforms that enable them, this is creating an environment that facilitates the manipulation of opinion and, in some cases, the exclusion of voters. \nWhat are the risks involved, and how can we avoid the abuse of technologies during the election cycle?
Tor Project
The future of decent work in the planetary digital capitalism: AI, automation and digital platforms This circle aims to generate dialogues and discussions around the future of work in the dawn of generative Artificial Intelligence, the automation of intellectual work and the increasing platformization of the economy. These developments have the potential of reshaping the planetary economy, imposing additional risks on human rights, but most importantly they challenge the work itself of digital rights defenders, policy makers and academics. This circle offers a scenario to discuss if we should adapt or resist these technologies, and both the tactics and strategies that should arise.
VPN Community Initiative
VPN Infrastructure - Challanges & needs In the community multiple VPN providers are active. As infrastructure provider we try to offer the best available. In this circle we want to share working experiences, missing links and other ideas to better accommodate infrastructure for VPN providers.
VPN Provider Transparency - Addressing Threats that Shady VPNs Pose to VPN Clients and Providers In this circle, Ben from Breakpointing Bad will touch base with the VPN community about threats VPN clients and providers face from the myriad of VPN apps distributed on Google Play and elsewhere. The goals of this circle are to network between organizations, align current project's trajectory with community needs, address gaps in analysis, reporting, and identify new opportunities to address threats to VPNs. To do this, Ben will begin by sharing current results from his OTF ICFP fellowship on suspicious VPN providers about which concerning details, including potential links to malicious actors, Breakpointing Bad has identified and then invite community members of this circle for a discussion about how well the current findings align with threats and issues the community is experiencing, gaps in understanding and how to address them, identify new issues that may be unaddressed, and plan how best to address new challenges.
World-wide Autonomous Comunication Over HF Band In the circle we'll present the High-frequency Emergency and Rural Multimedia Exchange System (HERMES) project. HERMES is a telecommunication system which provides very long range communication capability (hundreds / thousands of kilometers links) by using skywave propagation on the HF band.\nOur current projects connects isolated communities in the Amazon rain-forest, Central Africa and fisherman boats far away from the shore in Bengali Bay, in Bangladesh.
What are your operations and admin challenges? When it comes to operations and finances, what are the hardest things for you as a civil society activist in the internet freedom space? We want to know! We’re building an organisation, interalia, aimed at lowering the operations barriers for civil society with equity and care at its heart – let us worry about admin, so you don’t have to. We have plenty of experience working in this field, but we’d love to hear about your specific struggles, questions, and challenges. How can we help as intermediaries providing a layer of care and security for you?
Western Europe Regional Meetup

Booth Descriptions

Organization Project Project Description
1984 NextCloud for NGOs Human rights activists store data that need to be protected, sorted, and made accessible only to allies. There are alternatives to Google Docs and other commercial services, but how usable and stable are they? Using NextCloud and associated apps, we'll demonstrate how we make secure, hidden virtual offices easy to use.
0xche Mapping and analysis on social organization’s security vulnerabilities in Latin America Project Description: The research project funded by OTF aims to understand the landscape of Latin America in terms of information security by doing grounded fieldwork with regional organizations to understand the common vulnerabilities in their systems and the patterns in their attack surface. We aim to map the state of information security of regional organizations and ignite discussions inside the ecosystem to raise awareness on the possibilities and challenges we face, thinking in defensive strategies, and how an offensive mindset can help us leverage our security. In addition, we plan to contribute with materials based on the identified findings to help highlight the most frequent informational threats and attack patterns that are faced by organizations' in the region.
Access Now Digital Security Helpline & Partners Digital Safety Clinic Access Now's Digital Safety Clinic works with individuals and organizations around the world to keep them safe online. If you're at risk, we can help you improve your digital security practices to keep out of harm's way. If you're already under attack, we provide rapid-response emergency assistance.
Accessibility Lab Digital Accessibility Awareness Internet freedom tool teams are increasingly confronted with the topic of accessibility for people with disabilities, yet are often unsure how to approach it. We can help you in the process.
Amnezia VPN (supported by Roskomsvoboda and Privacy Accelerator) Amnezia VPN Amnezia VPN is a free open-source VPN solution. The solution allows users to set up private VPN on their own server. The solution supports various protocols such as OpenVPN, WireGuard, Cloak, XRay, etc., which enables VPN traffic masking. The project was created in 2020 supported by Privacy Accelerator and the participation of the human rights organization Roskomsvoboda.

Specially designed interface of Amnezia VPN allows people of any skill level to use it. Amnezia VPN has become popular in countries with high level of censorship, such as Russia, Turkmenistan, Iran, where the popular VPN services are being massively blocked. Amnezia VPN does not collect or transmit any data, which is confirmed by an independent audit from 7ASecurity. The main goal of Amnezia VPN is to develop world best free self-hosted VPN tool with all features of the best commercial VPN services. So that every person in any part of the world could have an easy, reliable and safe access to free Internet. In the spring of 2022, the Amnezia VPN team launched Amnezia Free service. By means of this service, more than 250,000 users from Russia were able to bypass military censorship and retained access to independent media and social networks. Follow our news in English on Reddit: And in Russian on Telegram:
ASL19 Iran Cyber Dialogue (ICD) Iran Cyber Dialogue brings together stakeholders at the intersection of technology and civil society, including but not limited to tool developers, researchers, CSOs, minority rights activists, funders, policymakers, journalists, and more. On a regular basis, ICD holds online and in-person events to facilitate cross-sectoral dialogue that stimulate collaboration and the development of practical solutions to key challenges facing communities inside Iran. We also hold a Fellowship Program and a Community Wellness and Care Program to help the community thrive.
Center for Digital Resilience Community Resilience Project CDR fosters regional hubs for community resilience by building sustainable and innovative tools, systems, and coalitions. We help partners provide their communities with long-term, individualized security support and access to rapid, effective incident response; and we use open source technologies to collect, analyze, and share civil society threat intelligence to stop and prevent digital attacks against civil society. Want to work with us? is a project that focuses on addressing security incidents on websites of human rights defenders and media organizations. The team consists of experienced individuals in website management for social organizations and media outlets. Their main resource is a permanent helpline through Signal, where people can reach out for assistance and guidance in case of issues or breaches on their web platforms. Users can provide detailed information about the incident, including date, time, relevant context, and any prior actions before the attack. In addition to the helpline, offers other tools such as a security checklist for WordPress sites, a quick URL analysis tool for WordPress, and a resource kit that compiles tutorials, guides, and tools to enhance website security.
Civic Tech Field Guide (a Superbloom Design project) Civic Tech Field Guide The Civic Tech Field Guide is the world's largest collection of tech projects for the public good. And, most relevant to our friends at the Feira, we've continued expanding our collection of projects focused on digital security and privacy, cybersecurity, digital rights, and responsible tech. Stop by and we'll show you how to find useful resources and drive global visibility to your own projects. Share your work at
Clostra NewNode NewNode is a unique data transfer protocol developed for mobile, seamlessly blending off-the-grid device-to-device and peer-to-peer connectivity. It is implemented as a censorship and shutdown circumvention tool in a user-facing NewNode VPN and developer-facing NewNode Kit, and in an end-to-end encrypted, resilient NewNode messenger. NewNode is developed by LEDBAT, BitTorrent and FireChat creators, builds upon decades of experience and combines best traits of these projects.
Cloudflare Project Galileo Websites that are outlets for politically and culturally sensitive speech are oftentimes the victims of cyberattacks and other malicious Internet attacks. Because these websites champion new ideas and are usually underfunded, they often lack the resources to properly secure themselves from Internet attacks aimed at thwarting and suppressing legitimate free speech. Through Project Galileo, Cloudflare uses its sophisticated cybersecurity tools to help human rights groups, non-profit organizations, journalists, and artistic groups stay online. By offering these protections, Cloudflare seeks to help these organizations maintain their online presence and continue their important work without being disrupted by malicious attacks.
Designers United UX + Comms Clinic Looking for guidance on feature development, user feedback, content strategy, or user engagement? Join the UX + Comms Clinic! Here, you'll connect with UX and communications experts from the community in quick, rotating sessions. Bring your design and UX challenges for multi-perspective feedback. Whether you're bringing an idea, a problem, design sketches, or a prototype, you'll leave with valuable feedback and further support opportunities.
Distributed Denial of Secrets DDoSecrets We are publishing an archive and library for leaks and hacks. Since 2018, we have collected more than 100 terabytes of datasets, and we make them available without a paywall at We believe in public access to information, and hope that other people will learn from our publication, and copy our work.
Globaleaks Globaleaks GlobaLeaks is the free and open-source software enabling anyone to easily set-up and maintain a secure whistleblowing platform.
Greenhost Hosting & VPS for Digital Rights Greenhost has been at the forefront of sustainable hosting and digital human rights for over 20 years, and we continue to strive for the highest standards in these aspects with our services.

At our booth, we will showcase several projects related to this theme. Please stop by at out booth to check the agenda.


Stackspin: A collaborative workspace that shares your values. Easily installed with a click, it is managed simply and ensures safety and security. Learn how to regain ownership of your data and free yourself from Google's lock-in, all without the need for technical know-how. Providing free VPSes for Civil Society for over 5 years. Next year, will merge with Greenhost VPS, which will result in changes on how operates. We are currently working on improving the services and user interface. Discover the future of and what it can offer you.

Rapid Response: With the support of OTF and Internews, we can move websites and online tools to Greenhost infrastructure for more secure hosting. If you've lost access to your domain or server, or if your website has been hacked, Greenhost can provide assistance.

Guardian Project Guardian Project It's been a moment since we were together! Come meet the team and talk about their current projects and passions 💚 Conversations may include F-Droid (alternative App Store), Butter Box (offline apps and services), scavenger hunts using ProofMode (digitally verified media), Clean Insights (privacy preserving measurements), Portuguese food, art and more!
Horizontal Shira, Tella Shira is a web app to help users develop their skills to detect and defeat phishing attacks. Users are able to take a quiz and attempt to detect which of the simulated messages look like phishing attacks and which are legitimate.Shira doesn't just train users on email phishing, but also on phishing messages received in WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook Messenger, and more commonly used apps. In challenging environments, with limited or no internet connectivity or in the face of repression, Tella makes it easier and safer to document human rights violations and collect data.

Tella makes it easy to encrypt and hide files on Android and iOS, and to share those files in a secure and private way.

HUMAN Security Sharing information about digital attacks: Turning pain into collective power Many in our community find it frustrating and difficult to get platforms to act on our reports of online social harms like harassment, election manipulation, disinformation, and hate speech. We also find it challenging to share information about digital attacks like phishing, malware, and account takeovers. This year, through the Dan Kaminsky Fellowship at HUMAN Security, Gus is exploring how the digital human rights community can more effectively share information about attacks, to demonstrate patterns, document abuses, and even stop attackers from harming us.Do you have: analysis tools or data sharing techniques that are working well for your organization? data about attacks you'd like to compare to others'? questions about how we can make this sharing easier? deep frustration with MISP/platforms/help lines/mailing lists/technology generally (you know Gus likes to complain about usability :D)? ideas about what we could do better? Stop by this booth to chat with Gus and other members of the community about this topic! Get some new ideas about potential tools and approaches, like the ATT&CK and DISARM frameworks, new threat dashboards in development, open source research tools, and research projects whose reports you may not have heard about yet.
HURIDOCS - Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems Uwazi Uwazi: what's new, what's next and how we can support you. HURIDOCS would love to reconnect with the community and share some updates about our flagship database tool Uwazi. We want to invite everyone who wants to learn more about how we support the human rights movement, or just say hi! Uwazi is a web-based tool designed for managing your data in one easy-to-search place. This open-source database application allows you to capture, organise and make sense of a set of facts, observations, testimonies, research, documents and more. More than 200 human rights groups and organizations globally are using Uwazi to help with data collection, evidence preservation, research and advocacy. Stop by if you want to learn more about Uwazi, its integration with another leading open-source solution Tella, and our newest tool Preserve, which is designed to capture and save online digital content. biton biton ( is a peer-to-peer network for routing and storage that protects users from online censorship and surveillance. It incorporates identity management and leverages the users' social connections to establish a novel overlay capable of accommodating nodes with diverse networking capabilities.We will be bringing some leaflets and Cyprus delicacies to share at the booth.
Internews Internet Freedom & Resilience Team Internews' Internet Freedom and Resilience (IFR) portfolio seeks to advance the digital safety of human rights defenders, civil society members and journalists, and advocates for digital rights and protections for the world's most at-risk populations. From funding local Internet rights advocacy initiatives and open-source technology development, to designing cutting-edge approaches to organizational security, the IFR team focuses first on local partners' needs and works to demand a safe, inclusive, and open Internet for all. This booth will feature learnings and approaches from a wide range of projects, covering topics such as: innovative scenario-based digital safety training methods, threat analysis and approaches to sharing threats, approaches to encouraging digital protectors to acquire advanced skills, and the Safe Sisters digital security fellowship.
Intervozes Amazônia Livre de Fakes Survey and analysis of pages and profiles that disseminate hate speech and misinformation in the Amazon, about the Amazon and climate change. Work elaborated collectively with indigenous people, quilombolas, women and young people.
JAAKLAC iniciativa Critical Digital Education for All CDE for all is a collaborative multimedia campaign raising and amplifying the perspectives, research and resources from Latin American digital rights organisations.Why is education important? Which are the gaps and advances in digital education? How can children’s rights support in comprehensive digital agendas? Who can help to amplify overlooked approaches and worldviews on digital education? Digital agendas have privileged an education _with_ digital technologies, relegating decoding its implications to the neutralised views of fields such as science and technology. The CDE campaign showcases the educational and advocacy efforts from Latin America to address this deficit and fosters a global conversation on similar endeavours to materialise change. Let’s Do It Together!
Jigsaw, Google Censored Planet Measurement Dashboard Outline VPN is a free and open-source system that allows individuals and organizations to create their own VPNs and share access with friends and communities. It is censorship-resistant, efficient, extensible, and keeps you in control.By the time of the Feira, we will have released the Outline SDK, which makes it easy to reuse the battle-tested and cross-platform technology that powers Outline. This will enable others to: build new circumvention tools; and add circumvention capabilities to existing apps (great for content apps).

Come to our booth to share your insights and feedback, and to learn more about Outline, our latest development, and how to create your own app powered by Outline! Censored Planet is a platform that collects data on internet censorship using a variety of remote measurement techniques in more than 200 countries.

Jigsaw and Censored Planet have teamed up to create a pipeline and dashboard to make the extensive measurement dataset more accessible and useful.

Visit the Jigsaw booth to learn more about this valuable resource for understanding and exposing censorship.

MaadiXZone MaadiX MaadiX is a privacy-oriented, affordable and easy-to-use solution that puts users back in control of their data and communications without the need for technical expertise or large investments.It provides one-click installation and maintenance of free and open source online tools on own servers through an easy and intuitive graphical interface.
Micah Lee Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations: The Art of Analyzing Hacked and Leaked Data I've spent the last 2 years writing a book to teach journalists, researchers, and hacktivists how to analyze data leaks, and it's about to be published! While it's highly technical (including teaching terminal skills and Python programming), it doesn't require any previous experience: all you need is a laptop running Windows, macOS or Linux, an internet connection, and a 1TB hard disk to download datasets from DDoSecrets to. It's highly interactive and full of hands-on exercises, sort of like a full course. You work with hacked police data, Parler videos from the January 6 insurrection, and a lot more.

The book is released under a Creative Commons license to reduce barriers to access. More info:

Mozilla Foundation Africa Mradi:Common Voice Project Common voice is Mozilla's effort to teach machines how human's speak, through this project we are democratising voice for African languages to be represented in the voice technology ecosystem.Common voice is building a large open voice dataset by engaging communities such as those from low-resourced languages such indigenous and African languages.
NDI CyberSim: Experiential Digital Security Learning Interested in games, experiential learning, and new approaches to digital security training? Stop by NDI's "Experiential Learning" booth to learn about CyberSim (a multi-player, "tabletop" style role-playing game designed to simulate risks for a civic organization or campaign) and to sign up for your spot to play the game with us at the Feira! CyberSim, in addition to some interactive fiction games that we'll highlight at the booth, is designed to help players assess their own readiness and experience the potential consequences of unmitigated risks in a fun, interactive setting. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Novem Portugal Novem Portugal For a fairer and more competitive cloud ecosystem in Portugal: 351 – Portuguese Startup Association and ESOP – Portuguese Open-Source Software Companies Association lead the NUVEM Initiative in Portugal. This initiative was originally launched in Spain (“Nubes”) and more recently in Portugal, together counting on the collaboration and support of more than sixty companies representing the technology sector in the Iberian Peninsula.

It consists of a movement to build a fairer and more competitive cloud ecosystem in Portugal, which aims to appeal to the need of overcoming the obstacles that this ecosystem still faces. By promoting a discussion open to all stakeholders and decision-makers about improving the cloud ecosystem, the aim of the NUVEM Initiative is for the cloud to be part of a fair, competitive, transparent, secure, and sustainable environment, helping to place our country at the forefront of this technology.

Nois Radio Convite Convite es un proyecto de sensibilización sobre autocuidados y cuidados colectivos enfocado, especialmente, a guardias indígenas, cimarronas y campesinas del suroccidente colombiano y a quienes defienden el medio ambiente, la autonomía de los territorios y la comunicación alternativa.A través de talleres de sensibilización y de la creación y circulación de postales sonoras, Convite busca contribuir con información, herramientas y recursos de autocuidado, protección y seguridad en los espacios digitales, físicos y psicosociales. Y es, sobre todo, una suma de voluntades y herramientas entre la comunidad de los derechos humanos en la era digital y las comunidades indígenas, afros y campesinas del suroccidente colombiano. Pero que pueden ser adaptadas y abrazadas en otros contextos latinoamericanos.
Numun Fund Feminist Tech Playground (FTP) @ the Global Gathering Feminist Tech Playground is a convening that Numun Fund co-organised with APC Women's Rights Programme in 2021/2022, to create a space to convene community, and explore questions, practices and thinking on feminist infrastructure for movement organising from the perspective of play. In this Feira, we'll be setting up an interactive, hang out space for feminist tech activists and allies to get to know and learn from each other, imagine and co-conspire on how we can organise around feminist tech - in the spirit and politics of play. There will be some scheduled play sessions with topics ranging from resourcing feminist tech with women's funds, infrastructure dev, exploring gendered dis/misinformation, etc, which we'll confirm nearer the date.
IUS OMNIBUS - European Consumer Alliance Break the Algorithm Black Box - Consumer Alliance for Algorithm Transparency (#CALL4#ALGORITHM#TRANSPARENCY) This campaign advocates that the users of social networks, as owners of data and holders of data protection rights, should exercise their right of access to the logic involved in the automatic processing of their data and the consequences associated with it, such as the qualifications they are labelled with and the behaviural inducing techniques that they are subject to, by social networks or third parties that acquire user data points.

If we, users and data subjects, have access to what algorithms produce about us, and for what purposes and using which techniques, we open the way not only for accountability for misuse of data, but also to set the boundaries of what social networks can and cannot do to people.

That's why we invite everyone in the EU who is a user of a social network to subscribe to the Request of Access under Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation template provided online by the CONSUMER ALLIANCE FOR ALGORITHM TRANSPARENCY, POWERED BY THE EUROPEAN CONSUMER ASSOCIATION IUS OMNIBUS, which in Latin means Justice for ALL.

OnionShare OnionShare OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network.
Open Culture Foundation Helix - A tool for CSOs and it's more than just a VPN! Facing the fact in our country-Taiwan, although CSOs and HRDs do aware their risk in digital threats, but implement into their daily pracitices still a way to go since it is a change with efforts! Through the tool - Helix we developed, we provide a trustworthy VPN to HRDs , moreover, this application can be used for testing the potential risks under their daily use. By providing this risk testing report, we can have further space to discuss their safety online as the awarness rising.
Open Culture Foundation Open Starter Village “Open StarTer Village” is a board game that makes players understand collaboration and makes open source project hacking faster. This spirit is imprinted in game design. We collect 30+ open source projects in this board game, that includes projects from open source, open government and open data issues. Players can access diverse open source projects while playing this game. Overall, we hope to attract people to understand that “open source” is a value to share the resource and collaborate together. It’s not limited to software engineers. Everyone can join open source projects and implement open source value in our daily life!
Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) OONI is a free software project that has been measuring Internet censorship around the world since 2012. Join the OONI community and help increase transparency of Internet censorship!
Open Tech Fund Open Tech Fund The Open Technology Fund supports projects focused on technology development, applied research, digital security programs, and community convenings that further the internet freedom mission. We fund efforts that help folks access the internet in restrictive environments, shed light on information controls, and improve the security and privacy of users' online experiences.
Phoenix R&D Secure, Private and Decentralized Messaging Everyone has the right to digital privacy and security. Our mission at Phoenix R&D is to make secure communication more broadly accessible to everyone. In order to achieve this, we’re building a new generation of open-source messaging technology combining privacy, security, and decentralization.Our team consists of the former security team of the Wire messenger and has been working on a new protocol for end-to-end encryption. In July, the Messaging Layer Security protocol was released as a new standard for end-to-end encryption. At our booth, we want to discuss with you what the future of secure messaging could look like, hear from you what is missing in the secure messaging space, and give you a sneak peek at what we are currently building.
Quiet Quiet Quiet is an alternative to team chat apps like Slack and Discord that does not use central servers, does not require phone numbers or email addresses, and uses a peer-to-peer network built on Tor. Quiet is built by activists and we're pursuing the set of features necessary for teams doing sensitive work, like private groups, disappearing messages, channels and threads, and censorship circumvention.
Safer-I Nepal Your #DigitalPrivacy Toolkit The Safer-I campaign is devoted to creating a safe, accessible, ethical, and inclusive digital space for everyone. We do so by conducting onsite hands-on workshops and online social media advocacy around the topics of ethical and inclusive technology. We strongly believe that our initiative contributes to the bigger picture of crafting technology for everyone, as it should be.Our project 'Your #DigitalPrivacy Toolkit' is aimed at diverse internet users with the aim to equip them with necessary digital security tips that keep their identity and data safe online as well as offline. We provide a one-stop solution in the form of a virtual toolkit that participants can use to learn about day-to-day digital device tricks and also debunk privacy myths online.
Sasha ApS SASHA - Safe Share SASHA (short for Safe Share) is a Danish tech startup company that was founded in 2020 to help with the burden of evidence in image abuse cases. Our vision is "to accelerate online safety and digital rights for all individuals by providing a scalable tool that can help with the burden of evidence in image abuse and identity theft cases”.
SocialTIC Datavoros: How much do your favorite apps feed on your personal data? Datávoros es un proyecto de investigación sobre la recolección voraz de datos a través de aplicaciones móviles desarrolladas por gobiernos y empresas.Analizamos aplicaciones para saber qué datos se recolectan y cómo, qué permisos piden y cuáles son sus medidas de seguridad y privacidad.

Compartimos acciones para tomar el control de nuestros datos y exigir medidas de protección y gestión responsable de datos.

Conoce Datávoros en el Global Gathering Feira y exploremos las prácticas de recopilación de datos. Compartiremos el proceso de análisis de aplicaciones para descubrir qué tanto se alimentan de ti las aplicaciones que utilizas. Visita para conocer más del proyecto, consultar los análisis y hallazgos.

Datavoros is a research project about the voracious data collection practices employed by mobile applications developed by governments and corporations.

Let's explore data consumption. We analyze applications to understand the type of data they collect and the methods they employ. We evaluate the permissions these apps request and their security and privacy measures.

Our findings empower you to make informed decisions about the apps you choose to engage with.

Join us in advocating for data protection. We share actionable steps you can take to regain control over your data and advocate for responsible data protection measures from governments and corporations.

Experience Datavoros firsthand at the Global Gathering Feira and explore data collection practices together. We will share the app analysis process to understand the voracious data collection from your favorite apps.

Visit to learn more about the project, engage with our research and unveil how much your favorite apps feed on your personal data.

Sparkable Sparkable Sparkable is a community-led effort to counter polarization, misinformation, hate, and other dangerous trends connected to the engagement model with a new not-for-profit platform business model.
Sursiendo Tecnoafecciones En un contexto donde el conocimiento, la reflexión tecnológica y la propia tecnología han sido pensadas y construidas desde marcos racionalistas, occidentales, masculinos y blancos es urgente revincularnos con las tecnologías desde los afectos, los cuidados y los valores que sostienen para crear otros futuros posibles, futuros que sean dignos y tecnodiversos.Tecnoafecciones es un proyecto que implica repensar la tecnología en clave feminista, descolonial, situada, que nos permita desarrollar y generar pensamiento-acción en torno a nuestra relación con la tecnología a través de una propuesta teórica y el desarrollo de contenidos que presenten las visiones de las comunidades afectadas, junto a propuestas metodológicas de talleres y una campaña digital dirigida a públicos amplios. El proyecto está dirigido a personas que tengan oportunidad de repensar su relación afectiva con las tecnologías: los modos de hacer, los vínculos que habilitan o inhabilitan, los impactos cercanos y lejanos. Buscamos activar nuestra capacidad de creación colectiva, nuestras posibilidades de articularnos políticamente, de rescatar nuestras maneras colectivas de hacer juntas desde la revinculación> y el afecto, nuestra voluntad de reconocernos como comunidad y posibilidad, nuestro compromiso de responsabilizarnos como acción colectiva. Queremos hacer explícita nuestra voluntad de generar impactos deseados y nuestra potencia transformadora de mundos. Nuestra ilusión por construir futuros dignos y justos para todas.
Tactical Tech Variety of Tactical Tech Projects Since its creation 20 years ago, Tactical Tech hasco-developed hundreds of interventions and resources in collaboration with partners and collaborators worldwide. Swing by to discover some of Tactical Tech's most recent educational interventions, resources and tools--and take copies of our materials home with you to use and share.
Team CommUNITY Digital Justice House Psychosocial research has demonstrated a severe crisis of emotional health in the digital rights space. At Team Community (TCU), we propose that structural issues of this industry, specifically labour rights, are crucial to tackle this problem, and in the recent months we have been sharing in different spaces the Digital Justice Every Day pamphlet with concrete organisational policies to tackle this crisis that not only affects the wellbeing of our community members but also impacts in the quality of the work we produce.During two hours we will be available to safely discuss labour rights affairs, we have noticed the lack of instances to reflect on this topic so this opportunity will be a necessary moment to assess and promote better holistic conditions for the different individuals participating in the 2023 Global Gathering. Our intention is to advance towards collective strategies between digital rights defenders, funders and other stakeholders to make the right to decent work a standard for our industry.Just pass by, pick a pamphlet and share your thoughts if you feel like :slightly_smiling_face:Information about our materials and resources are available at the website of our Digital Justice House program:
The Calyx Institute CalyxOS Privacy-Focused Android Operating System CalyxOS is an Android mobile operating system that puts privacy andsecurity into the hands of everyday users. Everyone needs a phone. Not everyone wants to be spied on. Reclaim your privacy with CalyxOS.
The Engine Room Building our shared toolbox to effectively and more safely use tech/data in our work! Social justice advocates and movement members engage with technology and data in their work in diverse ways. We mitigate risks of technology being used externally - on us, in our communities, or on allies - and we harness what we can of its benefits to strengthen our work. Bring your current tech/data challenges to The Engine Room's booth to explore resources and tools that can strengthen your work. Together, we can grow our shared tool box and knowledge base and mutually support each others' critical work. (Our booth would be guided by the learnings and approach from our Light Touch Support:
The London Story Documenting Hate Speech and Disinformation in India As civil society spaces shrink in India and digital rights are under imminent assault, documenting the abuse of online spaces for harmful purposes in India becomes an impossible task. The London Story, a diaspora-led organisation, takes on this work from abroad: Documenting hate speech and incitement to violence to ensure harmful content is taking down, countering censorship of critical voices by social media platforms by engaging with platforms, and creating an evidence base of the origins and consequences for Indian democracy of propaganda. Talk with us about our transnational work, the state of affairs in India, and how to promote global equity.
The Tor Project Onionizing the Feira At the Tor booth we want to connect with other members of the community, Tor's users and applications developers from the Internet Freedom community. If you are not yet part of our community, come chat with us, we will explain how to be a volunteer and become more involved. We will share different initiatives at Tor to help organizations in the global south, come learn more about our Onion Support work! Or if you have any questions about the different technology we build or our organization. Check the full program here:
Venezuela Inteligente Conexion Segura If you are interested in starting or expanding work on documenting internet censorship and shutdowns you will want to see the tools VE sin Filtro has developed, including multiple dashboards and systems to help you monitor and analyse OONI censorship measurements as well as PiProbe, an easy way to create customised automated measurements with a Raspberry Pi.Conexion Segura produces engaging videos and training materials for different audiences. Come to see everything from 3D-printed teaching materials for explaining encryption, to Creative-Commons-licensed videos teaching digital security that you could use in your own work.
WHAT TO F.IX dot tech #MonetizationProject Research shows that the primary driver of online misinformation is financial. But what is fueling the exponential growth of the misinformation-for-profit industry?The #MonetizationProject investigate the role of social media companies, exposing how Youtube and Facebook monetization programs have been central to the incentive and bankrolling of the industry. Building on 4 years worth of data, the project reveals how social media companies consistently fail to apply adequate due diligence and makes tools available to empower researchers to cross reference their own actors for monetization and further contribute to the evidence base.
Wikimedia Foundation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within the Wikimedia Movement The Wikimedia Foundation has been, for the past years focusing on not only bridging the gender gap within the Wikimedia Movement but within the Foundation as well. I'd like to showcase the best practices and offer resources and advice to other organizations on their journeys to making their communities as well as their institutions more equitable, just, and inclusive.
Zamaneh Media Censorship Resilient and Distributed Publishing Independent publishers, media in exile, and oppositional and dissident voices find it increasingly difficult to build an audience and maintain reach in heavily censored environments. Zamaneh Media is an independent voice in the internet freedom community, creating censorship circumvention and shutdown mitigation tools and strategies informed by the particular needs of publishers and their audiences. Come by and find out more about our latest censorship resilient and distributed publishing tools, strategies and ideas!