PEN America seeks trainers/facilitators

From TCU Wiki

PEN America, a nonprofit organization of writers and allies celebrating and defending free expression, seeks dynamic, engaging, sensitive, and experienced trainers/facilitators to collaborate with their team.

Candidates must be comfortable with public speaking and have experience with teaching, leading training and workshops, and/or facilitating virtual learning. Candidates should also have knowledge of and interest in one or more of the following topics: online abuse defense and allyship, digital security, media literacy, and/or disinformation defense. Applicants may come from a background in: journalism, community or political organizing, digital security, and/or the nonprofit field. A commitment to social justice and an understanding of intersectionality is crucial for this role. Experience working with people who have experienced trauma is welcome.

This consultancy will be remote in the United States, with the possibility of in-person training, which may require travel, post COVID-19. Candidates will be paid $50/hour per training/workshop (usually 1-2 hours each) and up to 4 additional hours per session for preparation and follow up.

If interested, please email a resume and short statement of interest to Viktorya Vilk, Program Director for Digital Safety and Free Expression at PEN America: