September 12: Outline Community Hub Kick-Off Meetup

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Calling all technologists working on circumvention and digital rights!

Jigsaw is joining forces with Team CommUNITY to improve services and support for the Outline and Outline SDK community. Join us on September 12 to learn about the NEW Outline Community Hub, meet technologists working on circumvention tech, and let us know how we can best support you.

In addition, if you are registered 2024 Global Gathering, join us and let us know what circles, conversations, or support you want to see in the GG Jigsaw Corner.

Leading the interactive meetups is XXXX from the Jigsaw team,  and Sandy Ordonez from Team Community.

New to this type of tech?

Outline makes it easy to set up your own virtual private network (VPN) and share it with your network for safer, more resilient access to the internet.

Outline SDK is a cross-platform library and set of tools for app developers to easily reuse Outline’s advanced networking strategies to protect apps and VPNs against network-level interference.

Jigsaw is a unit within Google that explores threats to open societies and builds scalable technology solutions that protect participation in the global internet.

This event is part of the Outline Community Hub