Global Gathering Booths

From TCU Wiki
Revision as of 13:37, 4 July 2023 by Erin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Booth Specs… This year’s Global Gathering venue is an outdoor space surrounded by covered wooden vendor booths. Each project will have its own booth and be able to organize and decorate it for their scheduled booth hours. The majority of booths are 3 x 3 meters, with a number of 3 x 6 meter and 6 x 6 meter booths. Projects will by default be assigned a 3 x 3 meter booth, however if you anticipate your booth vision will require more space, you will be able to follow u...")
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Booth Specs… This year’s Global Gathering venue is an outdoor space surrounded by covered wooden vendor booths. Each project will have its own booth and be able to organize and decorate it for their scheduled booth hours. The majority of booths are 3 x 3 meters, with a number of 3 x 6 meter and 6 x 6 meter booths. Projects will by default be assigned a 3 x 3 meter booth, however if you anticipate your booth vision will require more space, you will be able to follow up with us in the coming weeks as we solidify scheduling details.

Project Details and Design… We will provide you with the booth details that you submitted with your application in the coming weeks as we reach out for your scheduling preferences. You will be able to update the public-facing details for your booth through the beginning of August when we will be sharing event agendas with participants. Team CommUNITY will provide customizable signage options for the booths, however you are also welcome to bring your own booth signage. One of the benefits of our new venue is the flexibility and opportunity to be creative that it offers. We are more than happy to discuss your project booth vision with you if you have ideas that may require particular resources or support.

Scheduling… Project Showcase booths will be scheduled from 13:30 - 18:00 each of the three days of the Global Gathering. Projects will have the option to host a booth for either a 2-hour or 4-hour slot, and will have the option of showcasing their project for more than one day of the event, depending on availability. All booths will have access to electricity and there will be internet access throughout the outdoor space.