Global Gathering FAQ

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Publications about the Global Gathering

Apply for the Feira @ the Global Gathering! - Mar 9, 2023
!Announcing The Global Gathering! - Feb 16, 2023
Team CommUNITY's Next Global Gathering: Ask Me Anything Event... Glitter Meetup Notes - Nov 9, 2022
The Next TCU In-Person Global Event is Coming! - Oct 19, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the Summit and the Feira?

The Summit at the Global Gathering will be a small, invite-only event that engages managers and community leaders from the digital rights space in a highly facilitated unconference. Discussions will focus on the most pressing issues in the digital rights space - many exacerbated by the pandemic - including mapping out emerging threats and challenges in the digital rights space as well as organizational health.

The Summit will take place in the mornings from 09:00 - 13:00 local time, allowing participants the freedom to take full advantage of the Feira in the afternoons and evenings.

The Feira at the Global Gathering will be held in the afternoons and evenings in a tree-filled, outdoor venue in sunny Estoril, Portugal. It is designed to provide digital rights defenders (DRDs) with a rejuvenating space to reconnect, relax and host self-organized meetups and discussions. There will also be sun, food, music, local vendors, booths showcasing digital rights organizations and projects, and fun evening activities (did someone say karaoke?!). If you are interested in joining the Feira, this year your focus should be on networking and recharging your batteries with your colleagues.

The Feira will take place in the mornings from 13:30 - 20:00 local time, with evening music and entertainment starting at 18:00.

What kinds of activities will be held at the Feira? (Or...Will there be sessions?)

Does Team CommUNITY have an Equity Fund to support participant travel costs?