Community Resources for COVID19

From TCU Wiki

This page will be updated by our Director of Safety and Technology.
Note: Lots of cool links ahead! Hold down "Ctrl" (windows) or "command" (mac) to open link in new tab.

Recurring Virtual Gatherings

Daily Weekday Community Checkins Where You Can Meetup With Folks!!

Join the daily Community Checkins on the IFF Mattermost, everyday at 10am EST/UTC-4. Think of it as a virtual coffee break you can have with the IF community. Email if you need an invite.

Weekly Glitter Meetup

Join us for our weekly Glitter Meetup where the IF community shares updates, news, asks questions, or provides their thoughts on topics. More info here

Thought Leadership Coming from the IF Community

Working remotely

Derechos Digitales on remote work, seggregation and inequality:

David Souter's column on coronavirus and inequality:

David Souter's blog post "Going viral

May First statement on labour rights

On Environmental Justice

What good can come from the coronavirus? Insights by Jun-E Tan | Malaysia

Rapid Response or COVID-19 Related Funding

Internews Rapid Response Fund Supports Local Journalism Worldwide

OTF Increasing Rapid Response Support for COVID-19

Mozilla's COVID-19 Solutions Fund
Provides awards of up to $50,000 each to open source technology projects that are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in some way.

Urgent Action Fund's Approach to Grantmaking during COVID-19

Online Learning

Handy list of 450+ FREE online classes from Ivy League

Online Training Courses for Digital Security

Technology Tools

First Look Media: How to Pick a Video Conferencing Platform
A very handy guide that outlines some questions to ask when selecting a conferencing platform and an overview of the tools available. Includes a sample workflow for selecting a platform which satisfies threat-specific needs.

Technology is Stupid: How to Chose Tech for Remote Working] from Tactical Tech
A very in-depth guide for how to consider tools, along with thoughtful explanations for which tools and why.

Trusted Jitsi Meet Servers
Due to specific bugs with the Mozilla Firefox browser, Meet Jitsi works much better with Chromium-based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, …). Brave, in particular, is a privacy-focused browser and is highly recommended.

CryptPad: Open source alternative to Google Docs
A private-by-design alternative to cloud office tools and cloud services. All the content stored on CryptPad is encrypted before being sent, which means nobody can access your data unless you give them the keys. The storage limit for all registered users is increased to 1GB! Registration is free with no personal data required. Whiteboard! Kanban!

Virtual Tools
Karen Reily is working on a document comparing virtual conferencing tools and is looking for other to help. You can ping her on the IFF Mattermost at @akareilly_she-her but the doc is here:

Remote presence tools for social distancing
Amazing tools we can use to communicate with each other virtually!

TechSoup's Pivoting to Remote Work — COVID-19 Response Course Track for Nonprofits
TechSoup created a free track of courses to provide information and tools as teams make a transition to remote work.

Resources for Engaging Remote Team Facilitation and Training
Training for Change Handout: Template Slides (click this link to save your own editable copy of our template slides)
Training for Change Handout: Participatory Tools for Webinars (can seem outdated, written in 2017)

Resources for Online Facilitation from

Visit Slides Carnival for beautiful free slide templates

Online Community Guides

Notes from the IFF Team's Session on Online Facilitation
Includes a collection of best practices, templates for online meetings, and discussion on technology for videoconferencing and remote working.

Crowd Sourced CoronaVirus Manual
Tech folks started crowdsourcing a Coronavirus manual:

Capacitar Emergency Kit
This kit provides simple basic practices for immediate use to help people deal with challenging situations, such as natural disasters, violence or chronic stress. It is available in 20 languages and used in countries after tsunamis, earthquakes, floods and areas of ongoing conflict.

Digital Resilience in the Time of Coronavirus
An article by Equality Labs:

Coronavirus Resource Kit
A compilation of resources from disabled, queer, elderly, Asian, and indigenous people from the US.

Front Line Defenders - Ideas & tips for human rights defenders
Physical, emotional and digital protection while using home as office in times of COVID-19

'Care-based Approaches to Online Work' by And Also Too

COVID-19 Resource Page by the Coalition for Women in Journalism

Self Care & Fun thingz

From this Wirecutter article: "Acknowledging coronavirus-related unease—and allowing yourself to feel all the feelings that piggyback it—can go a long way in helping you cope over the short (and long) term. If turning inward for a bit sounds appealing, consider a meditation app: Wirecutter recommends Headspace and Calm. (The Breathing App is a free option.) As for professional help, online therapy services can be great resources for finding a licensed therapist to meet with via video appointments. Our favorite platform is Amwell."

Join 20 days of Mediation with Jay Shetty at 4:30pm UK
Live on all his social media platforms:

Psychology Tool's Worksheets and handouts about COVID
Generally a resource for mental healthcare professionals, this website is also helpful to find worksheets for those dealing with anxiety, PTSD, unhelpful thinking. The links are for resources specifically curated for the pandemic.

Health Monitoring Checklist
By IF community member, Sarah Aoun: With more and more people I know getting sick and having trouble keeping track of their symptoms, I made this document for folks to use. Just make a copy of it, and if you start feeling a bit sick, track your symptoms and monitor them. Feel free to share.

Mozilla Hubs
Hubs is a VR chatroom designed for every headset and browser, but it is also an open source project that explores how communication in mixed reality can come to life.
More info:
Start a room: