Main Page

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Revision as of 21:13, 17 March 2020 by Iffadmin (talk | contribs)

Upcoming Virtual Events

Our Calendar of Events has a complete list of upcoming virtual events being hosted by the IFF. This includes daily community checkins, weekly Glitter Meetups, and virtual workshops and knowledge shares with key experts from our space! See full list of events here

@ Every day Community Checkin at 10am est!


Analog Knowledge: Community Notes

Can't attend any of our virtual events? Don't worry we keep notes from our weekly gatherings here.



Community_Resources for COVID19

As many of our community members lives are being altered by COVD19, we have begun collecting resources that may be useful to them here. If you want to add something to this list, please email



Job Board

Whether you are looking for job or candidate, we can help you out! Check out our amazing Job Board!



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Memories from the Past

Share your memories!! Send us some of your favorite IFF moments!! Email them to