Outline Community Hub

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Revision as of 19:22, 17 September 2024 by Sandy (talk | contribs)

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The Outline Community Hub helps Jigsaw better serve the community that uses Outline and Outline SDK. It is hosted by Team CommUNITY.

  • Connect with Outline staff and community members
  • Get access to information, documentation, best tips, and FAQs
  • Collaborate with other technologists over technical challenges and time-sensitive censorship crises
  • Provide feedback that can improve Outline and the further develop SDK

Upcoming Meetups

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We keep notes of past meetups! Missed a gathering, we got you!
Read Notes from past meetups.

October 30: Outline Managers Meetup.

RSVP and learn more!

Notes from Past Meetups

September 12: Outline Community Hub Kick-Off Meetup

How to Join the Hub

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The Community Hub is made for a diversity of users and groups. Your first step should be joining our low volume, announce-only mailing list where we share upcoming events and updates. Specifically, this includes:

  • Outline Service Providers who are providing Outline service to their organizations, community(s), and/or user base to address barriers such as national firewalls, hostile networks, etc. They want to improve their understanding of Outline Manager and learn how to manage their service more efficiently.
  • Circumvention App Creators who want to use Outline's foundational building blocks and open-source strategies.
  • Media & Communications App Creators who want to embed advanced networking strategies directly into their apps, bypassing unwanted network interference and unlocking access to their content.
  • Users of Outline Client trying to circumvent online barriers to access the Internet, including activists, CSO's, journalists, and tech-aware citizens.

Documentation, FAQs, Links, and More

Who We are

Find out more about who we are and the tools here.