Outline Community Hub

From TCU Wiki
Revision as of 18:41, 8 August 2024 by Sandy (talk | contribs)

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The Outline Community Hub helps Jigsaw better serves the community that uses Outline and Outline SDK. It is hosted by Team CommUNITY. Find out more about who we are and the tools here.

  • Connect with Outline staff and community members
  • Get access to information, documentation, best tips, and FAQs
  • Collaborate with other technologists over technical challenges and time-sensitive censorship crises
  • Provide feedback that can improve Outline and the further develop SDK

How to Join

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The Community Hub is made for a diversity of users and groups. Your first step should be joining our low volume, announce-only mailing list where we share upcoming events and updates. Specifically, this includes:

  • Affected users trying to circumvent online barriers to access the Internet, including activists, CSO's, journalists, and tech-aware citizens. Barriers may include national firewalls, hostile networks, etc.
  • App Creators who want to embed advanced networking strategies directly into their apps, bypassing unwanted network interference and unlocking access to their content.
  • VPN Developers who want to use Outline's foundational building blocks and open-source strategies.

Upcoming Meetups

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We keep notes of past meetups! Missed a gathering, we got you!
Read Notes from past meetups.

September 12: Outline Community Hub Kick-Off Meetup

Join us to learn about the NEW Outline Community Hub and what it can offer you! In addition, we want to hear from you on what you would like to see in the future.

In addition, if you are registered for the 2024 Global Gathering (GG), we want to know what sessions, trainings, or support you would like to see at the Jigsaw Booth at the GG.

RSVP and learn more!

Documentation, FAQs, Links, and More

Who We Are


Outline makes it easy to set up your own virtual private network (VPN) and share it with your network for safer, more resilient access to the open internet. Outline consists of two products (Outline Manager & Outline Client) that are both powered by our cutting-edge, core technology through Outline SDK.

Outline SDK

Outline SDK is a cross-platform library and set of tools for app developers to easily reuse Outline’s advanced networking strategies to protect apps and VPNs against network-level interference. Internet censorship is constantly evolving. And now, proven strategies from Outline that have helped millions of users access the internet even in the harshest conditions are available to developers in an easy-to-use SDK. Outline SDK works across all major platforms and has been carefully designed to allow for flexible composition and reuse of our technology.


Jigsaw is a unit within Google that explores threats to open societies, and builds technology that inspires scalable solutions. Much of the world’s internet users experience digital censorship that restricts access to news, information, and messaging apps. We’re building tools to protect participation in the global internet.

Team CommUNITY

Team CommUNITY (TCU) is a community-based membership network that brings together digital defenders from across the globe fighting surveillance, censorship, and other issues sitting at the intersection of human rights and technology. We foster and nurture healthy, resilient, and inclusive communities of digital rights defenders across the globe. Our community works to achieve digital rights and internet freedoms for all. We do this by offering services and creating joyful community spaces that further members’ work and wellbeing, while enhancing collaboration, solidarity, and equity in the wider digital rights field.