August 9 2023, Asia Meetup
Asia Meetups |
New Date: Wednesday, August 16th
Original date: August, 9th
Time: 2pm IST/ 3pm MMT / 4:30am EDT / 8:30am UTC
Who: Facilitated by Astha
Where: Text-based format on the Asia Regional Channel, on the TCU Mattermost.
- Don't have an account to the TCU Mattermost? You can request one following the directions here.
An Introduction to Tella Web
We will speak with Raphael from Horizontal about Tella Web, a tool that enables individuals and organizations to centralize and manage reports sent by Tella users, including photos, videos, and audio files. It's a great way for groups and organizations to collect media files from their user in a secure way, and keep them organized to use for advocacy, research, or accountability purposed!
Guest speaker: Raphael is programs lead at Horizontal, a tech non-profit that empowers activists, journalists and human rights defenders to operate safely in the face of surveillance, censorship, and repression. At Horizontal, Raphael provides digital security trainings and oversees the design, development, and deployment of tools and apps for civil society groups. One of those tools is Tella, an app that protect users and the data they collect from device searches and seizures. Prior to Horizontal, Raphael worked with activists and human rights defenders in repressive environments on strategic planning, civil resistance, and movement building.
Notes will be posted here