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Virtual Calendar of Events

  • Every Thursday Share updates, hear from other community members, including special guests!
  • Virtual Class Group We are organizing a virtual class we can all take together. More info to come.

For the dates of specific virtual workshops and gatherings, check out our Calendar of Events of Virtual Events

Community_Resources for COVID19

As many of our community members lives are being altered by COVD19, we have begun collecting resources that may be useful here.

This includes tips, events calendar of weekly virtual gatherings, tv recommendations and more!

[Weekly] Glitter Meetups

The IFF Glitter Meetup is a weekly virtual meetup that happens every Thursday @ 9AM EST/EDT on the IFF IFF Mattermost Square Channel. They are great to connect and network with folks in the Internet Freedom community, update folks about your work, and gain useful knowledge. Learn more.

[Monthly] Coffee & Circumvention Meetups

Coffee & Circumvention (CC) is a monthly, community-run, meetup that happens simultaneously in various cities throughout the world - on the third Thursday of every month. It brings together technologists, artists, journalists, citizens and others interested in digital rights, online privacy and security, and open technology. Learn more.

[Yearly] Internet Freedom Festival

The Internet Freedom Festival is a week long event that brings together diverse communities from throughout the world fighting censorship and surveillance, and defending digital rights. Learn more