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From TCU Wiki
Welcome to the Internet Freedom Festival Wiki!

Volunteers Needed: March 31 @ 1:00pm

Come to Las Naves on Sunday, March 31 at 1:00pm and help us setup!!


Early Bird Registration: Sunday, March 31 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm

Do you want to avoid long registration lines on Monday, then register on Sunday! Remember, you will need to bring with you a copy of your ticket to register You can find it in your email or logging in to

Virtually Connecting throughout the Week

We have a self-hosted Mattermost instance, which is like Slack but better because its open source and more secure because its hosted by us through our amazing and privacy respecting provider Greenhost. :) The IFF Mattermost is a great place to connect to people virtually not just during the IFF, but throughout the year as well. Every Thursday, for example, we host a weekly IFF Glitter Meetup which allows you to connect and share with others on a weekly basis. Learn more.


The Program & Sessions

The schedule can be found here:

- Please remember to take notes and post on the unique Etherpad created for each session - the link to each etherpad is found a sessions description page.

- Remind presenters that before each session begins, they must pick people for the following roles. Note-taker, Timekeeper, and Gatekeeper. For the responsibilities of each role, please visit the Volunteer Corner


What We Expect from Participants

The safety, privacy and security of our participants is at the heart of IFF. Please make sure to review the following:

Featured Events


Opening Ceremony: April 1 @ 11:30pm

Kick-off the IFF with glitter, energy and love! Find out what awaits you during the fantastic week ahead, getting the most important last minute updates, and hearing from the IFF team. Plus, this year is our 5th anniversary!

The IFF Expo

This year an expo area will be featured throughout the day in the large patio. Various organizations and projects have signed up for two hour slots to present their work, including:

  • Medicine for Venezuela

For every medication donated for Venezuela, individuals will receive the latest album of the EuroVenezuelan punk band, “ZombiesNO” and/or a Humano Derecho Records t-shirt. All medicines are needed, but stop by if you need help figuring out what to donate, stop by and chat with them during these times:

  • Monday, 14:00 to 16:00
  • Tuesday, 12:00 to 14:00
  • Wednesday, 14:00 to 16:00

The Toolschowcase

The Tool Showcase will be happening on Thursday from 6:30 to 8:00!


The Information Desk

Have questions about how to get the best out of the event? Need recommendations of who to talk to about X topic? Need help figuring how to find a pharmacy or restaurant for a meeting? The Welcome Desk is here to help and ensure you maximize your experience at the IFF. If you are interested in volunteering for the Welcome Desk, and have been at the IFF before, email us at