Main Page

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Revision as of 21:29, 19 August 2018 by Iffadmin (talk | contribs)

Welcome to the Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) wiki! The IFF is an initiative that brings together the various communities throughout the world fighting online surveillance and censorship to collaborate, share knowledge, and foment solidarity.

Community Services

Throughout the year we provide various community services, culminating in a week-long unconference in Valencia Spain. The event itself brings together over 1,000 activists, journalists, technologists, and human rights defenders fighting surveillance and censorship. The IFF is made by the community, for the community making it one of the largest, most diverse and inclusive unconferences in the Internet freedom community.

There are also virtual spaces where you can connect with others throughout the year including,

  • The IFF Weekly Newsletter

The newsletter provides weekly updates on community news such as events, jobs, research, projects, and regional developments. If you have something you would like us to feature in the newsletter, please reach out to us at

  • Weekly Glitter Meetup on Mattermost

The weekly Glitter Meetup provides individuals with the opportunity to interact with others working on Internet Freedom throughout the world to gain advice, get project updates, network and have fun! In addition, the meetup hosts a featured guest that can answer questions related to their specific expertise and/or project focusing on topics such as digital security, organizational security, censorship and surveillance strategies, regional contexts, community health, and more. The Glitter Meetup happens every Thursday at 10am EST on the IFF Mattermost instance. Learn more.