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* '''Who:''' María Juliana Soto, Nathaly Espitia, Santiago Sáenz
* '''Who:''' María Juliana Soto, Nathaly Espitia, Santiago Sáenz
* '''Date:''' Tuesday, June 15th
* '''Date:''' Tuesday, June 15th
* '''Time:''' 9am Colombia
* '''Time:''' 10am EDT / 2pm UTC
* '''Language:''' English
* '''Language:''' English
* '''RSVP Here:''' TBA
* '''RSVP Here:''' TBA

Revision as of 08:51, 4 June 2021

Workshop: Colombian Human Rights in the Digital Age

  • Who: María Juliana Soto, Nathaly Espitia, Santiago Sáenz
  • Date: Tuesday, June 15th
  • Time: 10am EDT / 2pm UTC
  • Language: English
  • RSVP Here: TBA

This CKS Workshop will cover Colombian Human Rights in the Digital Age.

Join us for a collaborative discussion about the current situation in Colombia. The protests and punitive and violent measures against citizens are still happening, but little news is leaving the country. Our featured presenters will discuss:

  • Social media content blocking during the latest Colombian national strike
  • Internet censorship in Colombia, what they have documented
  • Open source tools for journalists
  • Ciberpatrullaje, mass surveillance made by the government during the protests.
  • Keep the #SOSColombia alive. This means sharing information about the situation of violations of human rights in Colombia and the call for international accompaniment.
  • Propose collaborations to colombian NGO and groups of activists from different areas (communications, artist, students). Our capacities are exceeded so we need help to develop emergency "digital security training", to provide digital security tools like VPNs, safe clouds, etc.

In addition, the presenters will address the myths and fears of the Colombian community regarding inhabiting digital spaces and digitally protesting. They will also discuss the current needs, including amplified digital security and collective digital care, and how the current context is affecting a diversity of groups such as journalists, civil society leaders, campesinos and indigenous collectives, including those from small cities.

// We will be hosting a 20 minute post-workshop networking exercise to allow folks to meet others who share their interest, and strengthen collaborations across various lines. Make sure to schedule in 20 minutes extra on your calendar, if you are interested in joining //

Santiago Sáenz is a Colombian hacker currently studying CS at National University of Colombia. I work as Cyber Security adviser for Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP).

María Juliana is a professor, a consultant, and a content creator for communications and visual arts projects. She works at the intersection of technology, human rights, communications, and digital culture with projects like Noís Radio, Acoso.Online, and Tour Delirio.

Nathaly Espitia Díaz’s work lies in the intersection of technology, human rights, communication, culture and social change. She is a content creator, a communication and advocacy strategist. Currently the Community Engagement specialist at Internews. Also part of Noís Radio, member of Ciberseguras and one of the Regional Organizer for Team Community. She mainly works with indigenous, afro and campesinos communities.

>> Check out notes from other sessions here


Notes will be posted here